loginradiusloginradius Blog

Leading the Charge in Customer IAM: LoginRadius Recognized as an Overall Leader by KuppingerCole

KuppingerCole's 2024 Leadership Compass reports recognize LoginRadius as an overall leader in customer identity and access management (CIAM). LoginRadius excels in innovative workflow management, extensive integration capabilities, comprehensive B2B features, and top-tier security standards.

Rakesh Soni
By Rakesh Soni
July 10, 2024
3 min read

LoginRadius CIAM Platform

Our Product Experts will show you the power of the LoginRadius CIAM platform, discuss use-cases, and prove out ROI for your business.

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Customer Experience is Driving Digital Transformation

Customers today demand meaningful content which is based on their preferences and behaviours. Companies have to accept these digital transformations to offer this connected customer experience.

Rakesh Soni
By Rakesh Soni
May 18, 2018
4 min read

Identity Fraud Hits All-Time High in 2017

The rate of identity theft increased in 2017, amid years of fighting and a major shift in the way American debit and credit cards are used.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
February 20, 2018
less than a min

Phishing Attacks: How to Identify & Avoid Phishing Scams

A Phishing attack can be a death blow for businesses that don't take the necessary precautions. Not only is the top-line affected, but the brand's image and trust can be obliterated if news of a data breach reaches the public. We have hashed out some of the most common types of phishing attacks and how to prevent them.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
February 13, 2018
8 min read

IFMA, a LoginRadius Customer Success Story

The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) is the largest global association and advisory body for professionals in facility management in the world. IFMA was established in 1980 and offers credentialing, education services, and guidance to professionals in facility management.

Karl Wittig
By Karl Wittig
January 15, 2018
3 min read

Canada To Fine Companies For Not Reporting Data Breaches

The news of Canada to fine companies for not reporting data breaches is making headlines these days. Know what it means for your business.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
September 07, 2017
2 min read

Mapegy, a LoginRadius Customer Success Story

Mapegy was reassured from the get-go with a versatile and adjustable platform, alongside a guaranteed 99.99 percent uptime, that our solution is indeed both reliable and scalable when adapting to their needs and user base as they expand. Our login and registration flows have helped Mapegy to provide a simplified and hassle-free login and registration process for their users while building centralised user profiles with the extended data points that Mapegy was searching for.

Karl Wittig
By Karl Wittig
June 15, 2017
2 min read