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Ian Rosen
President and CCO at Harry Rosen“We had compelling data that showed us how important having our users log-in was to our ecommerce experience, but we didn’t have anything that could be seamless for the client and most importantly secure. From supporting an easy password migration to supporting our Social Sign-On implementation, the LoginRadius team helped us architect a great authentication experience for our clients when we went live on our new ecommerce platform.“
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For Developers, By Developers
Identities Secured
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See what others have to say

LoginRadius’ understanding of identity management in the complex digital space is uniquely complementary to our core requirement. We approached the CIAM giant to build a robust healthcare data protection program where patient information and admin accounts remain secured and are only accessible by the authorized person.
Matt Curylo
Associate Vice President of UXBroadcastMed
I felt like I got a lot of help from a whole group of people and that there was never a lag in response time. Thanks for helping me get to the bottom of that issue.
Elizabeth Melito
Product OwnerCBC
The less we hear about it, the more satisfied we are. After using LoginRadius, we do not see the authentication process as a barrier at all.
Elliot Biggs
Chief Information OfficerC-Quence
Methodical and customer-focused, LoginRadius was the perfect partner for the company-wide, integrated, tailor-made solution we needed. Excellent communication, comprehensive documentation, and a very professional approach; LoginRadius is the team for the job.