LoginRadius API Core Release V20.4.0

Our Core API Release 20.4.0 brings new features to optimize the security of our existing functionalities. Please see the details below

Change Log


API Request Signing: This is an enhanced method of securing your API request with a signature composed of the account credentials and the API post body.

OTP Lockout: OTP login now supports the lockout function for added security against malicious use.

Request Access Token Header and Payload Option: Additional options have been made available in how you communicate the access token with your API request.

Request Variables: User agent string, IP address, and language data can now be passed as a part of the API request as a custom header.

Option to Prevent Sending Email Verification: An option to prevent sending email verification in case of optional email verification flow.


Deprecated APIs: We have made some changes to some of the alternative workflows and have deprecated the following APIs: No Registration, Auto Login, and One Click Signing. These have been replaced with: One Touch Login, Smart Login, and Passwordless Login, respectively.

Facebook Deprecated Permissions: As Facebook has deprecated some of their scopes, we have since updated how the scopes are provisioned.