Admin-console release 9.0

Introducing Version 9 of the LoginRadius User Admin Console. This release focuses on integrations and ease of use in the Admin Console.

Change Log


User Search by wildcard: You can now search for emails using wildcards, improving your searching, for example you can now search on a per provider basis e.g.,,, etc.

Filter clauses in User Segmentation: You can now filter using clauses in the User Segmentation area, ex: (=, !=, <, ,>=, LIKE, BETWEEN)

New SSO area: a new area has been created for SSO, under 'Deployment -> Federated SSO' this area allows configuration of different single sign-on technologies such as JWT.

Delegation API: This feature can be found under the new SSO area, The Delegation API allows you to streamline authentication for a given application with LoginRadius SSO.