MFA Settings By Access Token
This API is used to get the MFA setting configured on the profile with required google auth settings. This API used to set the Other MFA authenticator after login
- Definition
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- Code
Get Params
apikey :
LoginRadius API Key [REQUIRED]
isvoiceotp :
Boolean, pass true if you wish to trigger voice OTP
duoredirecturi :
Duo Redirect Uri where duo will send the response. Required to pass if the Duo MFA is enabled.
Headers Parameters
Authorization :
Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> (User's access token) [REQUIRED]
Output Format
{ "QRCode": null, "ManualEntryCode": null, "IsGoogleAuthenticatorVerified": true, "IsAuthenticatorVerified": true, "IsOTPAuthenticatorVerified": false, "OTPPhoneNo": null, "OTPStatus": null, "IsEmailOtpAuthenticatorVerified": false, "Email": [ "" ], "EmailOTPStatus": null, "IsSecurityQuestionEnabled": false, "SecurityQuestions": [ { "QuestionId": "<QuestionId>", "Question": "<Question>" } ] }