Partner APIs
The Partner APIs provide a powerful suite of endpoints to streamline the management of invitations, organizations, roles, permissions, and user roles within an organization. These APIs are designed for seamless integration, enabling efficient partner-related operations with high flexibility and control.
Key Capabilities:
- Invitations Management – Enables sending, retrieving, updating, resending, and revoking invitations for seamless onboarding.
- Organization Management – Provides control over organizations, including creation, updates, connections, domains, and status management.
- Roles Management – Allows defining, retrieving, updating, and deleting roles to manage user access within a tenant or organization.
- Permissions Management – Facilitates managing permissions by adding, updating, retrieving, and deleting access controls.
- User Role Management – Handles user role assignments and removals across organizations and tenants for efficient access control.
API Features
- Invitations Management
- Organization Management
- Roles Management
- Permissions Management
- User Role Management
Managing invitations is a crucial aspect of partner integration. The Invitations Management API enables organizations to invite users, monitor their invitation status, and modify or revoke invitations as needed.
- Retrieve Invitation by ID: Fetch invitation details using its unique identifier.
- Update Invitation by ID: Modify an existing invitation.
- Delete/Revoke Invitation by ID: Remove or revoke an invitation.
- Get All Invitations by Organization ID: Fetch all invitations associated with a specific organization.
- Send New Invitation: Issue a new invitation to a user.
- Resend Invitation by ID: Resend an existing invitation.
Organizations are the foundation of the Partner API ecosystem. This section provides API endpoints to create, update, retrieve, and manage organizations, including their connections and domains.
Retrieve All Organizations: Fetch a list of all organizations.
Create Organization: Establish a new organization.
Retrieve Organization by ID: Get details of an organization.
Update Organization by ID: Modify organization details.
Delete Organization by ID: Remove an organization.
Manage Organization Connections:
Manage Organization Domains:
Policy & Status Updates:
Roles define user permissions and access levels within an organization. The Roles Management API allows administrators to create, assign, modify, and delete roles at the tenant level.
- Retrieve All Tenant Roles: Fetch all roles within a tenant.
- Create Role: Define a new role.
- Retrieve Role by ID: Fetch role details using an ID.
- Retrieve Role by Name: Fetch role details using a name.
- Update Role by ID: Modify an existing role.
- Delete Role by ID: Remove an existing role.
- Set Default Role: Establish a default role for a tenant.
Permissions define the level of access assigned to roles and users. The Permissions Management API provides endpoints to add, retrieve, and modify permissions for improved security and role control.
Retrieve Permission List: Fetch all available permissions.
Manage Permissions:
Managing user roles is essential for access control across organizations. The User Role Management API allows administrators to assign and remove roles for users at different levels of the tenant hierarchy.
- Retrieve Organization Context by UID: Manage user roles across all organizations.
- Delete Organization Context by UID: Remove user roles across all organizations.
- Retrieve Organization Roles by OrgID and UID: Manage user roles within a specific organization.
- Delete Organization Roles by OrgID and UID: Remove user roles within a specific organization.
- Assign Roles:
- Retrieve Organization Context by OrgID: Manage user roles within a specific organization.