Detailed Data Points
This document provides a complete hierarchy of profile data points in addition to Type, Constraint, and Editability details.
Disclaimer: Provider-specific data points are subject to change and vary with provider. Data points available for various providers can be found here.
Field Name | Type | 1st level Object Field | 2nd level Object Field | Type | 3rd level Object Field | Type | Constraints | Editable via API | |
UID: Unique ID of a user account in the LoginRadius system. | String | Generated using .Net Guid.NewGuid(), stripped of all non-alphanumeric characters and stringified.A Guid itself is a 128-bit integer: remarked to have "a very low probability of being duplicated," and can be used as a global unique id to any system that requires one. | FALSE | ||||||
ID: The ID (Also known as Provider ID) is the unique identifier for each profile attached to a LoginRadius UID. There will be a unique ID for each profile (i.e. "Facebook", "Twitter", "Email", etc.) associated with a given UID. | String | Generated using .Net Guid.NewGuid(), stripped of all non-alphanumeric characters and stringified.Note that this value and Uid are both generated using Guid and have the same format but they have different values | FALSE | ||||||
Password: Login password of the user | String | Current hashed password | FALSE | ||||||
PIN: A numerical/alpha-numeric Personal Identification Number code used for authentication. | Object | Skipped PIN LastPINChangeDate SkippedDate | Boolean String DateTime DateTime | FALSE | |||||
Provider: From which provider profile is created of the user(i.e. "Facebook", "Twitter", "Email", etc.) | String | FALSE | |||||||
Prefix: Prefix of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
Suffix: Suffix of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
FirstName: First Name of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
MiddleName: Middle Name of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
LastName: Last Name of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
FullName: Full Name of the user | String | Aggregated( FirstName + LastName) | FALSE | ||||||
NickName: Nick Name of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProfileName: Profile name of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
BirthDate: Date of birth of the user | String | "MM-dd-yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M-d-yyyy", "M/d/yyyy" | TRUE | ||||||
Gender: Gender of the user | String | male, female, other, unknown, m, f, o, u, 1, 0 | TRUE | ||||||
Website: Website of the user | String | TRUE | |||||||
Email: user’s email details and its type (e.g primary ,secondary) | Array of Objects | Type Value | String String | RFC compliant Email, required | TRUE | ||||
Country: Country details of the user | Object | Code Name | String String | Aggregated(Code auto generate based on country name) | TRUE | ||||
ThumbnailImageUrl: User's thumbnail image URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
ImageUrl: User’s Image URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
Favicon: User’s favicon details | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProfileUrl: User’s profile URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
HomeTown: User’s Home town | String | TRUE | |||||||
State: User's state | String | TRUE | |||||||
City: User's city | String | TRUE | |||||||
Industry: User’s Industry details | String | TRUE | |||||||
About: User’s information | String | TRUE | |||||||
TimeZone: User’s Time Zone | String | TRUE | |||||||
LocalLanguage: locallanguage field returned in the social provider’s profile ( editable) | String | TRUE | |||||||
CoverPhoto: User’s coverPhoto | String | TRUE | |||||||
TagLine: TagLine of the User | String | TRUE | |||||||
Language: Language field returned in the social provider’s profile ( readonly) | String | FALSE | |||||||
Verified: Verified field returned in the social provider’s profile | String | FALSE | |||||||
UpdatedTime: This field is updated when the latest profile update time is imported from the social provider. Also, in case if you are not using the social login this field value will be Null. | String | FALSE | |||||||
Positions: List of user's job positions | Array of Objects | Position Summary StartDate EndDate IsCurrent Company Location | String String String String String Object String | Company Object: Name Type Industry | String String String | TRUE | |||
Educations: List of user's educations | Array of Objects | School year type notes activities degree fieldofstudy StartDate EndDate | String String String String String String String String String | TRUE | |||||
PhoneNumbers: List of user's phone numbers | Array of Objects | PhoneType PhoneNumber | String String | Prefix country code required | TRUE | ||||
IMAccounts: User’s Positions details | Array of Objects | AccountType AccountName | String String | TRUE | |||||
Addresses: User’s Addresses details | Array of Objects | Type Address1 Address2 City State PostalCode Region Country | String String String String String String String String | TRUE | |||||
MainAddress: User’s Main Address details | String | TRUE | |||||||
Created: User’s Created details | String | FALSE | |||||||
CreatedDate: User’s account creation date | DateTime | In UTC format | FALSE | ||||||
ModifiedDate: User’s account Modification date | DateTime | In UTC format | FALSE | ||||||
ProfileModifiedDate: This field in the user profile gets updated with the timestamp for the last modifications/updations in the profile. | DateTime | In UTC format | FALSE | ||||||
LocalCity: The city corresponding to the user's IP address at the time of registration. Auto populated. | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProfileCity: User’s city name. | String | TRUE | |||||||
LocalCountry: The country corresponding to the user's IP address at the time of registration.Auto populated. | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProfileCountry: User's current country (same as Country.Name). | String | TRUE | |||||||
FirstLogin: Indicate whether the user is logging in for the first time | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
IsProtected: Indicate whether the Twitter profile being imported is protected (private) | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
RelationshipStatus: User's relationship status | String | TRUE | |||||||
Quota: User’s Quota | String | TRUE | |||||||
Quote: The person's favorite quotes | String | TRUE | |||||||
InterestedIn: User's interests | Array of String | TRUE | |||||||
Interests: User’s Interest details | Array of Objects | InterestedType InterestedName | String String | TRUE | |||||
Religion: User's religion information | String | TRUE | |||||||
Political: User's politics information | String | TRUE | |||||||
Sports: User's sports information | Array of Objects | Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||||
InspirationalPeople: User's inspirational people | Array of Objects | Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||||
HttpsImageUrl: User's Image path | String | TRUE | |||||||
FollowersCount: Number of followers on social profile | Int | TRUE | |||||||
FriendsCount: Number of friends on social profile | Int | TRUE | |||||||
IsGeoEnabled: Twitter's IsGeoEnabled setting | String | TRUE | |||||||
TotalStatusesCount: Total number of statuses posted (imported from Twitter) | Int | TRUE | |||||||
Associations: User's association information (imported from Xing) | String | TRUE | |||||||
NumRecommenders: Number of user's recommenders | Int | TRUE | |||||||
Honors: User's honors information | String | TRUE | |||||||
Awards: User's awards information (imported from Xing) | Array of Objects | Id Name Issuer | String String String | TRUE | |||||
Skills: User's awards information (imported from Xing) | Array of Objects | Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||||
CurrentStatus: User's current status | Array of Objects | Id Text Source CreatedDate | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Certifications: User's certifications | Array of Objects | Id Name Authority Number StartDate EndDate | String String String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Courses: User's courses | Array of Objects | Id Name Number | String String String | TRUE | |||||
Volunteer: User's volunteers | Array of Objects | Id Role Organization Cause | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
RecommendationsReceived: Recommendations received by the user | Array of Objects | Id RecommendationType RecommendationText Recommender | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Languages: List of user's languages | Array of Objects | Id Name Proficiency | String String String | TRUE | |||||
Projects: User's projects (imported from GitHub) | Array of Objects | Id Name Summary With StartDate EndDate IsCurrent | String String String Array of Objects String String String | With Object: Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||
Games: User's games (imported from Renren, Facebook, Vkontakte) | Array of Objects | Id Name Category CreatedDate | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Family: List of user's family members information | Array of Objects | Id Name Relationship | String String String | TRUE | |||||
TeleVisionShow: User's TV shows (imported from Facebook and Vkontakte) | Array of Objects | Id Name Category CreatedDate | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
MutualFriends: User's mutual friends information (imported from Facebook) | Array of Objects | Id Name FirstName LastName Birthday Hometown Link Gender | String String String String String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Movies: User's movies | Array of Objects | Id Name Category CreatedDate | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Books: User's books | Array of Objects | Id Name Category CreatedDate | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
AgeRange: User's age range | Object | Min Max | Int Int | TRUE | |||||
PublicRepository: User's public repository (imported from GitHub) | String | TRUE | |||||||
Hireable: User's hirable status (imported from GitHub) | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
RepositoryUrl: User's repository URL (imported from GitHub) | String | TRUE | |||||||
Age: User's age | String | TRUE | |||||||
Patents: User's patents information | Array of Objects | Id Title Date | String String String | TRUE | |||||
FavoriteThings: User's favorite things | Array of Objects | Id Name Type | String String String | TRUE | |||||
ProfessionalHeadline: User's professional headline | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProviderAccessCredential: Credential to access the social provider (API?) | Object | AccessToken TokenSecret | String String | TRUE | |||||
RelatedProfileViews: List of user's related profile views | Array of Objects | Id FirstName LastName | String String String | TRUE | |||||
KloutScore: User’s KloutScore details | Object | KloutId Score | String double | TRUE | |||||
LRUserID: User’s LRUserID details | String | TRUE | |||||||
PlacesLived: Places that the user has lived in (imported from Google+) | Array of Objects | Name IsPrimary | String Boolean | TRUE | |||||
Publications: List of user's publications | Array of Objects | Id Title Publisher Authors Date Url Summary | String String String Array of Objects String String String | Authors Object: Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||
JobBookmarks: List of user's job bookmarks | Array of Objects | IsApplied ApplyTimestamp IsSaved SavedTimestamp Job | Boolean String Boolean String Object | Job Object: Active Id DescriptionSnippet Compony Position PostingTimestamp | Boolean String String Object Object String | Compony Object: Id Name Position Object: Title | String String String | TRUE | |
Suggestions: List of user's company/industry/people/news source to follow suggestions | Object | CompaniestoFollow IndustriestoFollow NewssourcetoFollow PeopletoFollow | Array of Objects Array of Objects Array of Objects Array of Objects | Objects: Id Name | String String | TRUE | |||
Badges: List of user's badges | Array of Objects | BadgeId Name BadgeMessage Description ImageUrl | String String String String String | TRUE | |||||
MemberUrlResources: User’s Member Url Resources details | Array of Objects | Url UrlName | String String | TRUE | |||||
TotalPrivateRepository: Total number of user's repositories | Int | TRUE | |||||||
Currency: User's local currency | String | TRUE | |||||||
StarredUrl: User's starred URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
GistsUrl: User's Gist URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
PublicGists: Number of user's public Gists | Int | TRUE | |||||||
PrivateGists: Number of user's private Gists | Int | TRUE | |||||||
Subscription: User's GitHub subscription plan | Object | Name Space PrivateRepos Collaborators | String String String String | TRUE | |||||
Company: User's company information | String | TRUE | |||||||
GravatarImageUrl: User's Gravatar Image URL | String | TRUE | |||||||
ProfileImageUrls: List of user's profile image URLs | Key-value pairs | TRUE | |||||||
WebProfiles: List of user's web profiles | Key-value pairs | TRUE | |||||||
PinsCount: Number of user's pins count (Pinterest). | Int | FALSE | |||||||
BoardsCount: Number of user's boards count (Pinterest) | Int | FALSE | |||||||
LikesCount: Number of user's likes count (Pinterest) | Int | FALSE | |||||||
SignupDate: The date that the user signed up for LoginRadius account (same as CreatedDate) | DateTime | FALSE | |||||||
LastLoginDate: Date of the last time user logs in | DateTime | FALSE | |||||||
CustomFields: List of custom field values that LoginRadius collects and the user's information on these custom fields. | Key-value pairs | TRUE | |||||||
LastPasswordChangeDate: Date of the last time the user changes their password | DateTime | FALSE | |||||||
PasswordExpirationDate: Date that the password will expire and the user will have to reset their password to access the account. | DateTime | FALSE | |||||||
LastPasswordChangeToken: The last password reset token that has been used. | String | FALSE | |||||||
EmailVerified: Indicate whether the user's email has been verified by LoginRadius | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
IsActive: Indicate the account status. An account may become "inactive" when it get suspended by Risk Based Auth | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
IsDeleted: Indicate whether the account is deleted | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
IsEmailSubscribed: User’s IsEmailSubscribed details | Boolean | (1,0, true, false) | TRUE | ||||||
UserName: User's username | String | TRUE | |||||||
NoOfLogins: Count the number of times the user has logged in | Int | FALSE | |||||||
PreviousUids: List of user's previous Uids. | Array of String | FALSE | |||||||
PhoneId: User's phone number that is used as an ID for phone login | String | We use Twilio Lookup API to verify the validity of phone number strings. Twilio in turns recommend E.164 format as the standard format for phone numbers. Reference: | TRUE | ||||||
PhoneIdVerified: Indicate whether the PhoneId has been verified by LoginRadius | Boolean | TRUE | |||||||
Roles: User's assigned roles | Array of String | FALSE | |||||||
ExternalUserLoginId: User's external user login id | String | FALSE | |||||||
RegistrationProvider: It provides information on how the consumer profile is registered. | String | Instantiated to be the same as Provider | FALSE | ||||||
IsLoginLocked: Indicate whether login is locked (by Risk Based Auth or by Brute Force Lockout) | Boolean | FALSE | |||||||
LastLoginLocation: LastLoginLocation data are being updated from the user IP address. For this updation, LR uses MaxMind database for fetching city and country details from the IP. | String | FALSE | |||||||
RegistrationSource: It gets populated with the source URL from where the profile has been registered. If you want to add a custom Registration Source while creating the user, refer to this section. | String | FALSE | |||||||
IsCustomUid: This field shows whether a consumer is created using a custom UID or with a LoginRadius system-generated UID. By default, its value is false, and when the consumer is created using custom UID its value will be set as True. | Boolean | FALSE | |||||||
UnverifiedEmail: List of user's emails that are currently unverified | Array of Objects | Type Value | String String | FALSE | |||||
ExternalIds: A set of key value pairs to store external IDs that the user may have. The stored data is interpreted according to each customer's implementation | Array of Objects | SourceId Source | String String | FALSE | |||||
IsRequiredFieldsFilledOnce: Is True if the profile is registered in the LoginRadius database | Boolean | FALSE | |||||||
IsSecurePassword: Indicate whether a password is secure | Boolean | FALSE | |||||||
PrivacyPolicy: The current privacy policy version that the user opted into | Object | Version AcceptSource AcceptDateTime | String String DateTime | FALSE |