List of editable data fields
As part of the LoginRadius Identity Platform, the user profile data fields are automatically pre-filled from social login (if social login is enabled) or they get processed and generated by LoginRadius internal system based on end-user's location/application data.
Please see the list of data fields which can be edited/updated using UserProfile V2 APIs. The fields that are not specified in this list are read-only fields and can't be updated.
Editable data fields
- Prefix
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- Suffix
- NickName
- ProfileName
- BirthDate
- Gender
- EmailId (This field can be update by Add Remove Email API)
- Password (This field can be update by Account Password Reset, Account Password Set)
- ExternalIds
- Website
- Country
- ThumbnailImageUrl
- ImageUrl
- Favicon
- ProfileUrl
- HomeTown
- State
- City
- Industry
- About
- TimeZone
- LocalLanguage
- CoverPhoto
- TagLine
- Positions
- Educations
- PhoneNumbers
- IMAccounts
- Addresses
- MainAddress
- LocalCity
- ProfileCity
- LocalCountry
- ProfileCountry
- IsProtected
- RelationshipStatus
- SecurityQuestionAnswer
- Quota
- Quote
- InterestedIn
- Interests
- Religion
- Political
- Sports
- InspirationalPeople
- HttpsImageUrl
- FollowersCount
- FriendsCount
- IsGeoEnabled
- TotalStatusesCount
- Associations
- NumRecommenders
- Honors
- Awards
- Skills
- CurrentStatus
- Certifications
- Courses
- Volunteer
- RecommendationsReceived
- Languages
- Projects
- Games
- Family
- TeleVisionShow
- MutualFriends
- Movies
- Books
- AgeRange
- PublicRepository
- Hireable
- RepositoryUrl
- Age (This field is automatically updated based on BirthDate as opposed to being updated directly via API)
- Patents
- FavoriteThings
- ProfessionalHeadline
- ProviderAccessCredential
- RelatedProfileViews
- KloutScore
- LRUserID
- PlacesLived
- Publications
- JobBookmarks
- Suggestions
- Badges
- MemberUrlResources
- TotalPrivateRepository
- Currency
- StarredUrl
- GistsUrl
- PublicGists
- PrivateGists
- Subscription
- Company
- GravatarImageUrl
- ProfileImageUrls
- WebProfiles
- CustomFields (Key/Value pairs limited to 1000 characters)
- IsEmailSubscribed
- UserName (This field can be update by change username API)
- EmailVerified (This field can be update by Account Update)
- IsActive (This field can be update by Account Update)
- PhoneIdVerified (This field can be update by Account Update)
- IsDeleted (This field can be update by Account Update)