JS Form Library
The LoginRadiusV2.js is commonly used to automatically generate HTML interfaces required for customer identity management e.g. Login form, Registration form, One-Time Passcode (OTP), Forgot Password, and Email Verification. The JS Form library is a library that is built in the LoginRadiusV2.js and is used for cases where you are required to build your own forms and functionality as opposed to using the automatically generated forms/interfaces.
This document describes the different function calls that can be made to the various LoginRadius APIs via the JS Form Library, allowing you to easily add support for LoginRadius to your custom built forms.
Note: If you are currently using the automatically generated interfaces provided by LoginRadiusV2.js and are looking to add additional customizations/functionality, we recommend using the JavaScript Hooks or our LoginRadius HTML5 SDK.
First you will need to make sure that LoginRadiusV2.js is loaded on your page:
Next, you will need to initialize the APIs with your LoginRadius API key.
var commonOptions = {};
commonOptions.apiKey = "<LoginRadius API Key>";
var LRObject = new LoginRadiusV2(commonOptions);
To implement a login, you will need to call the LRObject.api.login function which is used to handle a traditional email + password login.
LRObject.api.login(data, onLoginSuccess, onLoginError);
data: Data is an object that represents the data required for login. For details on what information you can provide click here. Typically it should have the properties emailid for the provided email and password for the provided password.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful login.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed login attempt.
emailid: "[email protected]",
password: "123xxx789",
function (response) {
// On Success this callback will call
// response will be { access_token :"<token>", expires_in :"<date and time>" }
// you can use token response.access_token and get user profile using your
// LoginRadius SDK.
function (errors) {
// on failure this function will call ‘errors’ which is an array of errors with message.
// every kind of error will be returned in this method
// you can run a loop on this array to identify the description and other aspect of error.
NOTE: This function also supports phone login commonOptions.phoneLogin should be set to true to enable Phone Login.
The registration Function is used to register new users.
LRObject.api.registration(schema, data, onRegistrationSuccess, onRegistrationError);
schema: The schema for the fields being provided. You can leave schema as an empty array unless you're updating complex arrays.
data: Data is an object that represents the user profile that you are creating, you can refer to our detailed datapoints doc for more information on which fields can be updated. Using this API you cannot specify complex array fields directly within this object without using the schema.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful registration.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed registration attempt.
var schema = [
type: "string",
name: "email",
display: "Email Id",
rules: "required|valid_email",
permission: "r",
type: "password",
name: "password",
display: "Password",
rules: "required|min_length[6]|max_length[32]",
permission: "w",
var data = {
email: [{ type: "Primary", value: "[email protected]" }],
password: "Testing123",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Account updates can be accomplished via the LRObject.api.updateData function.
LRObject.api.updateData(schema, data, token, onUpdateSuccess, onUpdateError);
schema: The schema for the fields being provided. You can leave schema as an empty array unless you're updating complex arrays.
data: Data is an object that represents the fields and their values of the profile that you are updating. You can refer to our detailed datapoints doc for more information on which fields can be updated. Please note that when using this library you cannot specify complex array fields.
token: The access_token of the customer.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful update.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for an unsuccessful update.
Forgot Password
LRObject.api.forgotPassword is used to send a forgot password email to a customer, the email will contain the verification token to then be consumed the resetPassword function.
Note: Since the Forgot Password flow requires a resetpasswordurl on which the user will be redirected to reset the password, it is required to whitelist that resetpasswordurl. To whitelist the same, navigate to LoginRadius Admin console > Deployment > Apps > Web Apps, and add the URL under the Production Website URL(s) section.
LRObject.api.forgotPassword(data,onSuccess, onError);
data: Data is an object that contains the object details for the Auth Forgot Password API, this object requires the email of the customer.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the email was successfully sent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for when attempting to send the email has failed.
email: "[email protected]",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Reset Password
To reset a password you can call LRObject.api.resetPassword along with the new password, the password should be passed inside the data object.
LRObject.api.resetPassword(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Data is an object that represents the body params for the Auth Reset Password API it requires the following:
- resettoken: The password reset token the customer should have received via email when requesting a password reset.
- password: the new desired password.
- confirmpassword: The new desired password (again).
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful password change.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed password change attempt.
resettoken: "5f0fc908xxxxxxxxxx800d2468a93d73",
confirmpassword: "123xxx789",
password: "123xxx789",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Email Verification
To implement email verification, you will need to setup an email verification page on your website and call LRObject.api.emailVerification along with the verification token (also known as vtoken).
The verification page that has this emailVerification function should be the same that you have provided in your LoginRadiusV2.js options object "commonOptions.verificationUrl".
Alternatively, in the LoginRadius Admin Console in your verification email template, you can also hard code the link to your verification page that has the emailVerification function.
For more details on email verification, we recommend reading our documentation on Email Workflow Settings and on Email Template Management
Note: This function leverages the Auth Verify Email API. Review this API if you need details on parameters that can be provided in the Data object.
LRObject.api.emailVerification(data,onSuccess, onError);
data: An object that has the verificationtoken (often passed via the url params as vtoken) which is required for email verification. It can optionally take url or welcomeemailtemplate.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for successful email verification.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed verification attempt.
vtoken: "<VTOKEN>",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Social Login Function
To implement Social Login, call the LRObject.api.socialLogin function along with the token, in this case, the token comes from the callback response after the social login process. This will also prompt a 'missing required field' filling interface if some fields are not filled automatically from the data obtained via the social provider. By filling in the form, the customer's account will be generated.
LRObject.api.socialLogin (data, onSuccess, onError, onMissingField, Schema)
data: Pass in an object that contains a token that has the access_token for the value.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful social login.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed social login attempt.
onMissingField: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the automated process of getting the social profile data was not able to fill out all of the required fields.
token: "xxxxxxxx-xxx-4337-xxxx-d624703ffe55",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
// failure
Resend Email Verification
To resend email verification, you can call LRObject.api.resendEmailVerification with the customer's email address.
Note: This function leverages the Auth Resend Email Verification API.
LRObject.api.resendEmailVerification(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object that contains the required email of the customer.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the verification email is successfully resent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if resending the verification email fails.
email: "[email protected]",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
One Time Passcode (OTP)
This section deals with enabling login by sending a One Time Passcode to your customers and allowing them to login with it.
Phone Send OTP
To get a One Time Password (OTP), call LRObject.api.otpLogin with the customer's phone number. Note: This API is based on the Phone Send One time Passcode API.
LRObject.api.otpLogin(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object that contains the required phone number of the customer passed as phone and you can optionally pass in your preferred SMS template via smstemplate
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the One Time Passcode is successfully sent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if sending the passcode fails.
phone: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
function(response) {
}, function(errors) {
Verify OTP
The Verify OTP Login function leverages the Phone Verification by OTP API to verify a customer's provided phone number via the One Time Passcode.
LRObject.api.verifyOTP(otp, phoneToVerify, onSuccess, onError);
otp: "xxxx",
{ phone: "xxxxxxxx" },
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Resend OTP
The resendOTP function is used to resend the One Time Passcode to a customer's phone. It is based on the Phone Resend Verification OTP API
LRObject.api.resendOTP(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object which contains the customers phone number as phone.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the One Time Passcode was successfully resent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the resending the OTP has failed.
phone: "xxxxxxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Update Phone
This function is used to update the configured phone.
LRObject.api.updatePhone(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object containing the new value for phone.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful reset.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request has failed.
phone: "xxxxxxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Verify OTP Login
Note: This function is intended for flows that interact with the Passwordless Login APIs.
The Verify OTP Login function leverages the Phone Login Using One Time Passcode API which is part of the Passwordless Login APIs to login a customer instantly by returning an access_token along with the customer's profile if the token is valid.
LRObject.api.verifyOTP(otpData, phoneData, onSuccess, onError);
otpData: Should be an object which contains the One Time Passcode as otp
phoneData: Should be an object which contains the customer's phone number as *phone
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the One Time Passcode is successful at returning the profile of the customer.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the login has failed.
Multi-Factor Authentication
The Multi-Factor Authentication set of functions are specifically designed to help in implementing workflows that make use of multiple factors for authentication.
Multi-Factor Authentication Login
This function allows you to initiate a traditional login if you have MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) enabled in your LoginRadius Admin Console, this function leverages the MFA Email Login API.
The format for the MFA Login function is as follows:
LRObject.api.twoFALogin = function(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object which contains the email and password properties obtained from the customer's input.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the customer has passed the first step to Multi-Factor Authentication.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if providing the email and password failed.
Multi-Factor Authentication Update Phone
The twoFAUpdatePhone function leverages the MFA Update Phone Number API which is used to update the phone number used to Multi-Factor Authentication by customers.
LRObject.api.twoFAUpdatePhone(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object which contains all of the parameters required to update the phone number in the MFA Update Phone Number API.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the customer has passed successfully updated the phone number.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if updating the phone number has failed.
phoneNo2FA: "xxxxxxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Multi-Factor Authentication Verify OTP
This function leverages the MFA Validate OTP API and is used to login via Multi-factor Authentication.
LRObject.api.twoFAVerifyOTP(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object which contains all of the parameters required to verify the OTP, you can refer to the MFA Validate OTP API for details.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the customer has been successfully logged in.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the customer has failed the login.
otp: "xxxx"
}, function(response) {
}, function(errors) {
### Multi-Factor Authentication Resend OTP
This API is used to resend the One Time Passcode (OTP) by phone if needed during a Multi-Factor Authentication process.
`LRObject.api.twoFAResendOTP(data, onSuccess, onError);`
- **data:** Should be an object which contains the customer's phone number under the **phoneNo2FA** parameter.
- **onSuccess:** Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the customer has been successfully resent the OTP.
- **onError:** Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if resending the OTP has failed.
phoneNo2FA: "xxxxxxxxxx"
}, function(response) {
}, function(errors) {
Multi-Factor Authentication Reset
This function is used to reset the MFA configurations on the account.
To implement reset twoFA, call **** with otpauthenticator or googleauthenticator , success function and error function.
LRObject.api.resetTwoFactor(otpauthenticator, onSuccess, onError);
otpauthenticator: Should be a string containing the otpauthenticator.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful reset.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request has failed.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Get Back up Code
To implement the get back up code functionality, call LRObject.api.getBackupCode with the access_token, along with a success function and error function.
LRObject.api.getBackupCode("access_token", onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful request.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed request.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Reset Back up Code
To implement the reset back up code functionality, call LRObject.api.resetBackupCode with token, success function and error function.
LRObject.api.resetBackupCode("access_token", onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful reset.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed reset.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Add Email
The add email function is used to add additional emails to an existing account.
LRObject.api.addEmail(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object containing the new value for email and type email type should be used to identify the type of email being added, e.g.: 'Primary', 'Secondary'.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when successfully adding a new email.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request has failed.
{ email: "[email protected]", type: "personal" },
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Remove Email
This function is used to remove emails from a given account.
LRObject.api.removeEmail(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object containing the value for email which should be the email you want to remove.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for successful removal.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request has failed.
email: "[email protected]",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Change Username
This function is used to change the username on a given account.
LRObject.api.changeUsername(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object containing the value for the username which should be the new username to be applied.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful change.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the change failed.
username: "xyz",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Change Password
This API is used to change the existing password on an account.
LRObject.api.changePassword(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object containing the value for oldpassword which should be the old password, the value for password which is the new password to be applied along with confirmpassword which should be the same as password.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful change.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the change failed.
oldpassword: "xxxxxx",
newpassword: "xxxxxx",
confirmpassword: "xxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Check Phone Number Availability
This function allows you to check the availability of a given phone number.
LRObject.api.checkPhoneNumberAvailability(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of phone which is the phone number you wish to verify.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response. You should receive the availability as so:
{ "IsExist": true }
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
phone: "xxxxxxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Check Email Availability
This function allows you to check the availability of a given email.
LRObject.api.checkEmailAvailability(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of email which is the email you wish to verify.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response. You should receive the availability as so:
{ "IsExist": true }
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
email: "[email protected]",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Check Username Availability
This function allows you to check the availability of a given username.
LRObject.api.checkUserNameAvailability(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of username which is the username you wish to verify.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response. You should receive the availability as so:
{ "IsExist": true }
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
username: "xyz",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Reset Password By Phone
This function allows you to reset the password of a given account by phone.
LRObject.api.resetPasswordByPhone(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of otp which is the One Time Passcode sent to the phone, phone for the phone number, and password for the desired password.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
otp: "xxxx",
phone: "917300470xxx",
password: "xxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Forgot Password By Phone
This function allows you to begin the process of changing the password by phone.
LRObject.api.forgotPasswordbyPhone(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of the phone which is being used.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
phone: "xxxxxxxxxx",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Reset Password By Security Question
This function allows you to reset the password on an account by answering the configured Security Question(s).
LRObject.api.resetPasswordBySecurityQuestion(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the value of either email/username/phone for the account, along with the desired password and the question and answer.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
email/username/phone: "<your login email/username/phone>",
password: "xxxxxx",
"<questionid>": "<answer>",
"<questionid>": "<answer>"
function(response) {
}, function(errors) {
Update Security Question Answer
This function allows you to update the Answer(s) to the Security Question(s) on a given account.
LRObject.api.updateSecurityQuestion(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Object containing the questions as key and the correct answer as value.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful response.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the request failed.
"<questionid>": "<answer>",
"<questionid>": "<answer>",
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Invalidate token
This function allows you to invalidate a token.
LRObject.api.invalidateToken('access_token', onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the token is successfully invalidated
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if invalidating the given access_token fails.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Validate token
This function allows you to validate an access_token.
LRObject.api.validateToken("access_token", onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the token returns successful.
"access_token": "62fc95b8-6dd2-49fb-a4e2-b7be99c25f03",
"expires_in": "2017-04-26T05:01:59.575Z"
} -
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the token turns up invalid.
Custom Object
The Custom Object set of functions are designed to assist you in managing your Custom Objects.
Get Custom Objects
This function is used to get all of the custom objects associated to a customer by using the access_token.
LRObject.api.getCustomObjects("access_token", onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the request is successful.
The onSuccess callback will be passed the objects which should look like this:
"data": [
"Id": "58ef731ddbe4871078e527f6",
"IsActive": true,
"DateCreated": "2017-04-13T12:46:21.223Z",
"DateModified": "2017-04-13T12:46:21.223Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Uid": "8347eab687f442f2b06f42a3390dc42d",
"CustomObject": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold"
"Id": "58ef7360dbe4871078e527f7",
"IsActive": true,
"DateCreated": "2017-04-13T12:47:28.533Z",
"DateModified": "2017-04-13T12:49:20.07Z",
"IsDeleted": true,
"Uid": "8347eab687f442f2b06f42a3390dc42d",
"CustomObject": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold"
"Id": "58f7215bdbe4411470a16804",
"IsActive": true,
"DateCreated": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"DateModified": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Uid": "8347eab687f442f2b06f42a3390dc42d",
"CustomObject": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold"
"Count": 3
} -
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed request.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Create Custom Object
This function is used to create a custom object.
LRObject.api.createCustomObject('access_token', customObjectJSON, onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
customObjectJSON: Should be a JSON that describes the object you would like to store.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the object is successfully created.
The onSuccess callback will be passed the following:
"Id": "58f7215bdbe4411470a16804",
"IsActive": true,
"DateCreated": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"DateModified": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Uid": "8347eab687f442f2b06f42a3390dc42d",
"CustomObject": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold"
} -
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for object creation failure.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Custom Object by ObjectRecordId and Token
This function is used to pull a customer's custom object.
LRObject.api.getCustomObjectById('access_token', 'objectrecordid', onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
objectrecordid: Should be a string containing the objectrecordid.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful request.
The onSuccess callback will be passed the object which should look as per this example:
"Id": "58f7215bdbe4411470a16804",
"IsActive": true,
"DateCreated": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"DateModified": "2017-04-19T08:35:39.802Z",
"IsDeleted": false,
"Uid": "8347eab687f442f2b06f42a3390dc42d",
"CustomObject": {
"data": "Click Here",
"size": 36,
"style": "bold"
} -
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed request.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Delete Custom Object By Access Token and Object Record Id
This function allows you to delete your Custom Objects by providing the access_token and the Object Record ID.
LRObject.api.deleteCustomObjectById('access_token', 'objectrecordid', onSuccess, onError);
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
objectrecordid: Should be a string containing the objectrecordid.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful request.
The onSuccess callback will be passed the following:
{ "IsDeleted": true }
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed request.
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Update Custom Object By Access Token and Object Record Id
Allows you to update your custom objects by providing the access_token and the Object Record ID.
LRObject.api.updateCustomObjectById('access_token', 'objectrecordid', customObjectJSON, onSuccess, onError, 'updateType');
access_token: Should be a string containing the access_token.
objectrecordid: Should be a string containing the objectrecordid.
customObjectJSON: Should be a JSON that describes the object you would like to update.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful request.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed request.
updatetype: (Optional) You can pass either 'replace' (it will fully replace the custom object with new provided json) or 'partialreplace' (it will perform an upsert type operation).
function (response) {
function (errors) {
Smart Login
To implement Smart Login, call LRObject.api.smartLogin with emailid/username, success function and error function.
LRObject.api.smartLogin(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Data is an object that contains the 'email' parameter.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a successful Smart Login.
The onSuccess call back should receive the following callback:
["An Email has been sent to given address, please verify in order to log in."]
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback for a failed Smart Login attempt.
{ email: "[email protected]" },
function (response) {
function (errors) {
One Touch Login
The One Touch Login set of functions is designed to assist you in managing your one touch logins.
One Touch Login API
To perform a One Touch Login Action that triggers email or SMS, call LRObject.api.oneTouchLogin with the customer's email or phone number.
Note: This API is based on the One Touch Login by Email API and One Touch Login by Phone API
LRObject.api.oneTouchLogin(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: This should be an object that contains the required email address of the customer passed as email or phone number of the customer passed as phone.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the One Touch Login API is successfully sent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if One Touch Login API fails.
email: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // phone:"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
function (response) {
function (errors) {
One Touch Login Verify API
To verify the token or OTP, call LRObject.api.oneTouchLoginVerify.
Note: This API is based on the One Touch Email Verification API and One Touch OTP Verification.
data = {'verificationtoken' = '************' } // When Token is slected in token type
data = {'verificationtoken' = '************', email= '********' } // When OTP is selected in token type
data = {'phone' = '************' , otp='**********'} // When OTP is receieved in your phone
LRObject.api.oneTouchLoginVerify(data, onSuccess, onError);
data: Should be an object that contains the required verification token/ OTP in email or phone.
onSuccess: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback when the One Touch Login Verify API is successfully sent.
onError: Pass in a function you would like to use as a callback if the One Touch Login Verify API fails.