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Android Library

This document contains information and examples regarding the LoginRadius Android SDK. It provides guidance for working with Social Login and full User Registration.

Disclaimer: This library is meant to help you with a quick implementation of the LoginRadius platform and also to serve as a reference point for the LoginRadius API. Keep in mind that it is an open source library, which means you are free to download and customize the library functions based on your specific application needs.

Download SDK

Get a copy of the Android SDK and demo projects here.

Setup Prerequisites

  1. Android SDK Version >= 15

  2. Build Tools Version = 28.0.0 (changeable in build.gradle)

  3. Android Studio >= 3.5.2

To get your app supported by LoginRadius Android SDK, you need to slightly configure your LoginRadius user account.

  1. Add parameter to your User Registration Email template. By default your email template should look like this: Android SDK Change the following URL



And the same change should be also applied to your Reset Password Email Template Configuration.

  1. Generate SOTT You need to pass the SOTT value at the time of registration in Android SDK V2 and you can generate this by Admin Console.

    Open Admin Console, Click on SOTT available in the left panel. now set the time according to the requirement and generate SOTT.



LoginRadius is now using Gradle.

Use the following dependency in your project:

implementation 'com.loginradius.androidsdk:androidsdk:5.2.0' 

LoginRadius SDK is now available as an AAR dependency. You can add it using File > New Module > Import .JAR/.AAR Package. Then, add it to your build.gradle:

compile project(':androidsdk-release')

Note: As LoginRadius supports communication over TLSv1.2 we don't recommend building your app for any Android distribution older than Android 5.0 – Lollipop. If you wish to use a distribution below 5.0, you will need to initialize the code below before the LoginRadius SDK initialize/call to prevent the following TLS error: (SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0xb80a2c10: I/O error).

* Initialize SSL
* @param mContext
public static void initializeSSLContext(Context mContext){
try {
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
try {
} catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e) {
} catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) {

SDK Initialization Values

The Android SDK requires some variables. They're needed to initialize the LoginRadius Android SDK.

apiKeyAPI Key of your LoginRadius site. You can get one from hereYes
siteNameLoginRadius Site Name.Yes

Initialize SDK

Before using the SDK, you must initialize the SDK with the help of the following code:

LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize init = new LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize();

Credential Encryption (Optional)

LoginRadius provides an extra level of security for Api Credentials inside the SDK using key store encryption, this encryption will encrypt the Api Key & Site Name, to enable this encryption you need to pass true into setIsEncryption function.


Note: For enabling encryption init.setIsEncryption(true) need to be added before initializing the API key and Site Name.

Initialize API credentials (Required)

Before using the SDK, you must initialize the Api credentials with the help of the following code


For step by step guide on getting Api Credentials from Login Radius Admin Console, please refer to this document.

Referer Header (Optional)

The referer header is used to determine the registration source from which the user has created the account and is synced in the RegistrationSource field for the user profile. When initializing the SDK, you can optionally specify Referer Header.


Custom Header (Optional)

You can optionally specify Custom Header. This feature allows you to add the Custom header in an API request, you can add multiple headers using key, value pair.

Map<String,String> customHeader=new HashMap<String, String>();
customHeader.put("<Custom-Header-Name>", "<Custom-Header-Value>");
customHeader.put("<Custom-Header-Name1>", "<Custom-Header-Value1>");

Encryption of Sensitive information

LoginRadius provides key store encryption for sensitive information, you can leverage the following helper functions for encryption and decryption of sensitive information stored inside your project.

Note: These helper function require Android 6/Api Level 23 or higher.


To encrypt the sensitive information using the helper function encryptData() please use the following code.

String dataToBeEncrypted="<data-to-be-encrypted>";
String result=LoginRadiusEncryptor.encryptData(dataToBeEncrypted);

The encrypted data will be decrypted using the helper function decryptData() please use the following code to decrypt the data.

String encryptedData="<encryptedData>";
String result= LoginRadiusEncryptor.decryptData(encryptedData);

Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M indicates that the above helper function should only be called on the API level 23 or higher

Manifest Settings

After creating a new Android project, follow the installation section of this document. Ensure the LoginRadius Android SDK is linked to your new project as a library. Next, add the following permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/>

Facebook Login

For Native Facebook Login Add the following meta data to your Android Manifest inside the application tag:

android:value="facebook_app_id" />

Integrate Social Login

You can set social login by two ways:

  1. Web Social Login: Web Social Login is done by using Android WebView. It can be performed using any listener for buttons or other respective events. You can set any configured social provider in web social login. It can be implemented with the help of following code:

    LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin webLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin();

Note :-

  • In the Android device, the sign in with apple works in WebView because Apple does not offer a native SDK for Android Developers. Apple does not control Android, but still, if you have to add a login method on your Android app too then LoginRadius Provides to make it as painless as possible to add Sign In with Apple to your Android app. After configuration apple developer account and LoginRadius Admin Console for Apple sign in you can just change the provider name to 'Apple' in the above web login code.
  • Web Social Login is not supported by Facebook or Google.
  1. Native Social Login: Login is done natively, utilizing the respective provider SDKs. It can be performed using any listener for buttons or other respective events. We support native login for Facebook, Google and Vkontakte at the moment. It can be implemented with the help of following code:
LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin nativeLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin();

If you have multiple social apps configured for the same social provider then passed in the native login method as

//This unique social app name will be passed in the native login as a provider name like : `<BaseProviderName>`+`<social app name>` (eg: "facebook_myproduct1" ) 

NOTE: There's nothing special about the Intent object you use when starting an activity for a result, but you do need to pass an additional integer argument to the startActivityForResult() method. The integer argument is a "request code" that identifies your request. When you receive the result Intent, the callback provides the same request code so that your app can properly identify the result and determine how to handle it.

When the user is done with the subsequent activity and returns, the system calls your activity's onActivityResult() method.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
// check if the request code is same as what is passed here it is 2
if(requestCode==2) {
if (data != null){
Log.i("Access Token",data.getStringExtra("accesstoken"));

After getting the access token, you need to call the following code once for the user to be visible in the Admin Console:

public void readAllUserProfile(String access_token) {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.readAllUserProfile(params, new AsyncHandler < LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile userProfile) {
Toast.makeText(context, "First Name: " + userProfile.FirstName + " Last Name:" + userProfile.LastName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(context, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Integrate Traditional Login

The following code can be used to implement traditional login:

  • Using Email
private void doLogin() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmail("[email protected]");
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //put your emailTemplate(optional)
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.login(LoginActivity.this, params, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData logindata) {
List < String > result = new ArrayList < String > ();
try {
for (Field field: logindata.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
Object value = field.get(logindata);
Log.e("access_token", logindata.getAccessToken());
Log.e("provider", logindata.getProfile().getProvider().toLowerCase());
Log.e("FirstName", logindata.getProfile().getFirstName().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
//this code will be use for getting pinAuthToken for calling setPinByPINAAuthToken API.
if (errorResponse.getData() != null) { //the Data is generaic type of property for fetching any value from data then we can use property key
LinkedTreeMap linkedTreeMap = new LinkedTreeMap();
linkedTreeMap.putAll((Map) errorResponse.getData());
Log.e("pinAuthToken", linkedTreeMap.get("PINAuthToken").toString());
  • Using Phone
      	 private void doLoginByPhone() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setLoginUrl("<login-url>"); // put your loginUrl(required)
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //put your smsTemplate(optional)
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.login(LoginActivity.this, params, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData logindata) {
List < String > result = new ArrayList < String > ();
try {
for (Field field: logindata.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
Object value = field.get(logindata);
Log.e("access_token", logindata.getAccessToken());
Log.e("provider", logindata.getProfile().getProvider().toLowerCase());
Log.e("FirstName", logindata.getProfile().getFirstName().toString());

} catch (Exception e) {
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Integrate Registration Service

Registration service supports traditional registration and login methods. Registration Service is done through Authentication API.

Registration requires a parameter called SOTT. You can create the SOTT token by following this doc

Parameters and their Description:

SOTTSecure One-time Token which you can check information about sott hereYes for Registration. You can generate a long term SOTT token from the Admin Console under Deployment -> Apps -> Mobile Apps (SOTT).
smstemplateSMS template allow you to customize the formatting and text of sms sent by users who share your content.NO
emailTemplateEmail templates allow you to customize the formatting and text of emails sent by users who share your content. Templates can be text-only, or HTML and text, in which case the user's email client will determine which is displayed.NO Go To Platform Configuration -> Standard Login -> Email Templates to get the template names

The following code can be used to implement registration:

  • Using Email
      	private void doRegistration() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //put your emailTemplate(optional)
String sott = "put_your_sott_here"; //Required
final RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData();
Email emailObj = new Email();
emailObj.setValue("[email protected]");
data.setEmail(new ArrayList<Email>(Arrays.asList(emailObj)));

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.register(params,sott,data,new AsyncHandler<RegisterResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  • Using Phone
      	  private void doRegistrationByPhone() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //put your smsTemplate(optional)
String sott = "put_your_sott_here"; //Required
final RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData();
Email emailObj = new Email();
emailObj.setValue("[email protected]");
data.setEmail(new ArrayList < Email > (Arrays.asList(emailObj)));
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.register(params,sott, data, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
Log.e("data", registerResponse.getIsPosted().toString());
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Integrate Forgot Password

Following code can used for implementation of forgot password feature:

  • Using Email
      		private void doForgotPasswordByEmail() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmail("[email protected]");
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //put your emailTemplate(optional)
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.forgotPasswordByEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<ForgotPasswordResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(ForgotPasswordResponse response) {
Log.e("response", response.getIsPosted().toString());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Note : It is mandatory to whitelist the Resetpasswordurl in the Admin Console under Deployment >Apps >Web Apps to use the forgot password flow.

  • Using Phone
      		private void doForgotPasswordByPhoneNumber() {
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //put your smsTemplate(optional)
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.forgotPasswordByPhone(params, new AsyncHandler<PhoneForgotPasswordResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(PhoneForgotPasswordResponse response) {
Log.e("response", response.getIsPosted().toString());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


Advanced Options

Native Login

Note :-

  • In the Android device, if you want to setup multiple social apps for the same social provider then you can provide a unique app name for that provider.This unique social app name will be passed in the native login as a provider name like : <BaseProviderName>+<social app name> (eg: "google_myproduct1" )

Google Native Login

  1. You need to add the below code on your button to run native login
  LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin nativeLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin();
  1. Add the following activity definitions, meta data, and permissions to your Android Manifest inside the application tag:​

    <activity android:name="com.loginradius.androidsdk.helper.GoogleSSO" />
    <meta-data android:name=""
  2. Google Configuration for Google Native Login

  • Firstly, sign your app:

  • Generate the signing certificate fingerprint and register your application a) Click on your package and choose New -> Google -> Google Maps Activity b) Android Studio redirect you to google_maps_api.xml c) Find your SHA1 fingerprint into google_maps_api.xml OR Generate your SHA1 by key tool. keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v

  • Create a new Google API console project on the Google Developer

  • Open the Credentials page and follow these steps if your application needs to submit authorized requests: a) Click Add credentials > OAuth 2.0 client ID. b) Select Android. c) In the Package name field, enter your Android app's package name. d) Paste the SHA1 fingerprint into the form where requested.

  • Common Error Messages: 12501: This is more commonly caused by an incorrect SHA1 being used to set up your project with Google. Make sure that the SHA1 of the build you are testing matches what you used in the Developer's Console.

** Google Native Login : Refresh Token / offline-access:**

With the earlier Add Sign-In procedure, your app authenticates the user on the client side only; in that case, you can access the Google APIs only while the user is actively using your app. If you want your servers to be able to make Google API calls on behalf of users—possibly while they are offline— this can be achieved using refresh token.


  1. Configure OAuth 2.0 web application for google provider from LoginRadius Admin Console Under Social Provider.

  2. Make sure web and android configuration are configured under Single Project in Google API Console.

  3. After configuration just need to pass your google OAuth 2.0 web application client ID in LoginRadius Android SDsK to the requestServerAuthCode.


Facebook Native Login

  1. Please add your facebook "app_id" in your string.xml, you can get the facebook application id by

    <string name="app_id">your facebook app id</string>

    You need to add the below code on your button to run native login

    LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin nativeLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin();
  2. Add the following activity definitions and meta data to your Android Manifest inside the application tag:

    android:value="@string/app_id" />
  3. Facebook Configuration for Facebook Native Login

    Create a new Facebook App on the Facebook Developer site. You will need to create an Android application and get a Facebook Application ID:

    • Create a Development Key Hash Facebook uses the key hash to authenticate interactions between your app and the Facebook app. If you run apps that use Facebook Login, you need to add your Android development key hash to your Facebook developer profile. You need to add this code under activity onCreate method.Put your activity package name in this code. After that run the below code and you'll get KeyHash in logs.
    try {
    PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
    for (Signature signature : info.signatures) {
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
    Log.d("KeyHash:", Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT));
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    • Now select My Apps and create a new app using "Add a New App".

    • After the creation of App, Click on setting into left panel, Select Add Plateform and choose Android

    • After generating KeyHash successfully, you need to setup below setting and fill the required fields e.g. Package Name & Class Name.

Vkontakte Native Login

  1. First of all, you will need to create a valid account on Vkontakte.

  2. After the account creation, visit Select "My apps", tap on "Create an Application".

  3. Give appropriate title, and select "Standalone Application". Copy the Application ID. It will be required below.

  4. After filling all of the necessary details, in the app go to "Settings". Change the "Application status" to "Application on and visible to all".

  5. Provide a valid package name of the Android app in which you want to access the Vkontakte native login.

  6. Next, you have to obtain SHA1 signing certificate fingerprint for authentication. You can obtain the fingerprint using the "keytool" command. You have to obtain separate fingerprints for both release and debug version. Remove colons (":") from them and don't leave empty spaces between them. Add them in the section "Signing certificate fingerprint for Android".

Now, you're ready to use Vkontakte native login. The Application ID copied in the above steps will be required here. Try the following code:

int vkontakteAppId = <Vkontakte-Application-ID>;
LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin nativeLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin();

WeChat Native Login

Create wxapi package name in built under the main package directory, and Create is added in the new created wxapi package to inherit WeChatNativeActivity,that exist in LoginRadius SDK.

import com.loginradius.androidsdk.activity.WeChatNativeActivity;
public class WXEntryActivity extends WeChatNativeActivity { }

in Project AndroidManifest.xml add

<activity android:name=".wxapi.WXEntryActivity"
android:exported ="true"

For initialization for the Wechat login we need setup a code for login request in any activity where you want to perform login request and get response.

public class LoginActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private IWXAPI api;
private String WeChat_APP_ID = "WeChat_APP_ID";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
api = WXAPIFactory.createWXAPI(this, WeChat_APP_ID,true);

public void wechatLogin (){
WXEntryActivity.wxAppId = WeChat_APP_ID;
//WXEntryActivity.isRequired =true;
SendAuth.Req req = new SendAuth.Req();
req.scope = "snsapi_userinfo";
req.state = "wechat_sdk_Wechat login";
public void onResume(){

// get response from loginradius
if(WXEntryActivity.wxError != null){

Setup Proguard Configuration If you intend to use ProGuard on the release build of your mobile application, you will need to add the following lines to your project's proguard-project.txt file to preserve information required for the SDK to function properly:

-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keep class com.loginradius.** { *; }

Also, you need to add the configuration for support libraries of LoginRadius Android SDK. Following is the required code:

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
-keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontnote okhttp3.**

-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }

-dontwarn okio.**
-keep class okio.** { *; }


## Biometric Authentication

Biometric Authentication provides a convenient method for authorizing access to private content within your app. To protect private content and sensitive information within your app, request Biometric Authentication, such as using **face recognition or fingerprint recognition**.
For detailed information, please refer to the following link.

LoginRadius Android SDK contains a helper named **BiometricManagerClass**. You can use this helper to authenticate using facial and face recognition.

Call the following function for facilitating Biometric Authentication.

BiometricManagerClass obj = new BiometricManagerClass ( MainActivity.this );
//Check if Biometric is supported by device.
obj.isBiometricSupported ( new BiometricManagerClass.biometricSupported ( ) {

public void onBiometricDeviceSuccess() {
//if Biometric supported display Biometric prompt.
BiometricPromptBuilder biometricPromptBuilder=new BiometricPromptBuilder();
biometricPromptBuilder.setTitle("LoginRadius Biometric Login");
biometricPromptBuilder.setSubtitle ( "Log in using Biometric Credential" );
biometricPromptBuilder.setNegativeButtonName ( "Cancel" );
obj.showBiometricPrompt ( biometricPromptBuilder, new BiometricManagerClass.BiometricCallback ( ) {
public void onBiometricAuthenticationSuccess ( ) {
// Handle authentication success.
Toast.makeText ( MainActivity.this, "Authentication Succeeded!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ( );

public void onBiometricAuthenticationFailure () {
// Handle authentication failure.
Toast.makeText ( MainActivity.this, "Authentication failed!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ();

public void onBiometricAuthenticationError ( ErrorResponse error ) {
// Handle authentication error.
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Error:"+error.getMessage (), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} );

public void onBiometricDeviceError ( ErrorResponse error) {
// Handle cases when Biometric is not available or enrolled in the device(e.g. open setting to enroll biometric or display message.)
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Error:"+error.getMessage (), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

} );

This code handles biometric authentication in a mobile app using the Android Biometric API. Initially, it checks for device biometric support and displays a customized prompt with a dynamically passed title, subtitle, and negative button name (default values are used if not provided). The code manages success, failure, and error scenarios during authentication. Additionally, it addresses situations where biometric support is unavailable or encounters issues.

Face ID and Touch ID implementation for native android applications

Touch ID and Face ID are preferred because these authentication mechanisms let the users access their devices in a secured manner, with minimal efforts. When you adopt the LocalAuthentication framework, you streamline the consumer authentication experience in the typical case while providing a fallback option when biometrics are not available.

Below are the implementation steps to authenticate a user using Face ID or Touch ID :

  1. Login a user with email and password leveraging the LoginRadius Login by Email API in LoginRadius Android SDK.

  2. After the successful authentication, the Access Token session will be created and validated as per the Access Token lifetime configured for your site.

  3. Now you can leverage the below method to store the token and profile value in the session.

LoginUtil session = new LoginUtil(getApplicationContext());

// You can store access_token after successful login.


// You can store access_token and userProfile after successful login.


Note: For more information, please refer to the Session Login/Logout section in the Android SDK documentation.

4. You can make your users authenticate using Touch ID or Face ID each time they open the app, and the session will be continued as per their Access Token lifetime.

5. To check if the session already exists or not, use the below method:


6. Now you can implement the Touch ID and Face ID Native Code in your mobile application as per your business requirement.

Refer to the documentation here for more information on logging a user into your application with Touch ID or Face ID.

In the success method, that is called after the success of biometric authentication, you can implement the LoginRadius Auth Read all Profiles by Token API and call this API based on the session store token or you may also be able to get the profile as a wall using the below method:

Log.d("token",session.getAccessToken()); //For Getting the LoginRadius Local Store(SharedPreferences) Access Token

Log.d("profile",session.getProfile().FirstName); //For Getting the LoginRadius Local Store(SharedPreferences) Profile For

Refer to the following flow for user’s experience while interacting with the application:

  1. User runs the application and needs to login via their credentials (email and password).

  2. User closes the application and visits the application after some time (say 2 days).

  3. After 2 days, the application will ask the user to login again via Face ID or Touch ID.

  4. When a user is successfully authenticated with any of these Biometric Authentication methods, then they can proceed to use the application.

Integrate MFA Push Notification

Android SDK includes a Multi-factor authentication (MFA) service that provides a simple, safe way to implement MFA push notifications.

This allows you to integrate LoginRadius Android SDK multi-factor push notification functionality in your app, transforming it into the second factor itself. Your users will get all the benefits of our frictionless multi-factor authentication from your app.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configure Push Notifications with LoginRadius Android SDK:

Step 1: Set Up Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Create a Firebase Project:

  • Go to the Firebase Console.
  • Click on Add Project and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new project.

Add Your Android App to the Project:

  • In the Firebase console, select your project and click on the Add App button.
  • Choose Android and enter your app’s package name.
  • Download the google-services.json file and place it in the app directory of your Android project.

Configuration in Admin Console:

  • In the Firebase console, select your project and navigate to the Service Accounts tab.
  • Click on "Generate New Private Key" to download the service.json file.
  • Upload this file by clicking on the "Choose File" button in the Android app configuration section of the Admin Console.

Add Firebase SDK to Your Project:

  • Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle files: Project-level build.gradle:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// Add the Google services classpath
classpath ''

App-level build.gradle:

dependencies {
// Add Firebase SDK
implementation ''
implementation ''
// Apply the Google services plugin
apply plugin: ''
  • Add the below values in the String.xml file
<string name="google_app_id">"your_firebase_google_app_id</string>
<string name="gcm_defaultSenderId">your_firebase_sender_id</string>
<string name="project_id">your_project_id</string>
<string name="google_api_key">your_firebase_google_api_key</string>

Step 2: Set Up FCM Service

  • Create a new Java class Firebase to handle incoming FCM messages and fetch the FCM token. This class will manage both foreground and background notifications.
public class Firebase extends FirebaseMessagingService {

private static final String TAG = "MyFirebaseMessagingService";

@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
public void onMessageReceived( RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Received FCM message from: %s with data: %s", remoteMessage.getFrom(), remoteMessage.getData()));

// Extract notification details
RemoteMessage.Notification notification = remoteMessage.getNotification();
Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();
String sender = String.valueOf ( data );

System.out.println ( "Notification Received" + sender );

Intent dialogIntent = new Intent(this, YourActivity.class);
// Put data into intent extras
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : data.entrySet()) {
dialogIntent.putExtra(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
System.out.println("Entry value is "+entry);


public void showNotification(RemoteMessage.Notification notification) {

Intent intent = new Intent(this,YourActivity.class);

PendingIntent notifyIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent,
NotificationCompat.Builder builder
= new NotificationCompat
.setVibrate(new long[]{1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000})

builder = builder
.setContentText(notification.getTitle() != null ? notification.getTitle() : "Please verify your Login Attempt")


NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
// Check if the Android Version is greater than Oreo
NotificationChannel notificationChannel = new NotificationChannel("LoginRadiusSDK", "web_app",

private static boolean isForeground(Context context) {
ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> runningTaskInfo = manager.getRunningTasks(1);
ComponentName componentInfo = runningTaskInfo.get(0).topActivity;
return componentInfo.getPackageName().equals(context.getPackageName());
public void onNewToken(@NonNull String token) {
Log.d(TAG, "Refreshed token: " + token);


This class will generate the device token during the device registration process and extend the service to handle push notifications.
It will check whether the app is in the foreground or background.

- If the app is in the foreground, it will call the activity responsible for displaying the UI for the push notification, including allow or deny options.

- When the app is in the background, it shows the notification in the notification tray and passes the data to the default or launcher activity, which then passes the data to the activity responsible for displaying the push notification with allow and deny options.

- Add the following code to the main or launcher activity to pass the data to the activity responsible for displaying the push notification information.

Intent i = getIntent();
Bundle extras = i.getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
Intent newIntent = new Intent(this, YourActivity.class);

Fetch the data from the intent passed by your main or launcher activity to retrieve the push notification details triggered by the backend. This data can then be used to display the following information on your screen.

// Retrieve data from intent extras
String secondFactorAuthToken = getIntent().getStringExtra("secondfactorauthenticationtoken");

String identifier = getIntent().getStringExtra("identifier");
String browser = getIntent().getStringExtra("browser");
String location = getIntent().getStringExtra("location");
String timestamp = getIntent().getStringExtra("timestamp");
String apikey = getIntent().getStringExtra("apikey");
queryParams.setApiKey(apikey); queryParams.setSecondfactorauthenticationtoken(secondFactorAuthToken;
LocalDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(Long.parseLong(timestamp)), ZoneId.systemDefault());

// Format LocalDateTime
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String formattedDateTime = dateTime.format(formatter);

Upon allowing or denying the request, call the Push verification API with the following parameters and handle the success and failure according to your case. Pass "yes" in the signature parameter and the secondFactorAuthToken in the createSignature function if the user clicks the "Yes" button. If the user clicks "No," pass "No" along with the secondFactorAuthToken.

// Sign Yes or No and SFA and send to the API
QRScanner qrscanner = new QRScanner(this);
QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
String signedData = qrscanner.createSignature("Yes", secondFactorAuthToken);
MFAPushAPI api = new MFAPushAPI();
JsonObject jsonData = new JsonObject();
jsonData.addProperty("verify", "Yes");
jsonData.addProperty("signature", signedData);
api.MfaPushVerification(jsonData, queryParams, new AsyncHandler<PostResponse>() {

public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Toast.makeText(YourActivity.this, "Verification sent successfully", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
System.out.println("Error is:" + error.getMessage());
Toast.makeText(yourActivity.this, "Error:" + error.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

To handle notification permissions for Android API level 33 and above, and to redirect the user to the app's notification settings if the necessary permission is not granted, use the code below:

// This is only necessary for API level >= 33 (TIRAMISU)
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS) ==
) {

Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APP_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS)
.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_APP_PACKAGE, getPackageName());
} }

You can view the sample DsiplayScreen activity that sets the push data, displays the information, and calls the Push Verification API in the demo project of the Android SDK repository here.

Add the Firebase class to the Manifest File.

Step 3: Register the device to receive Push Notifications

The Android SDK includes a helper class, QRScanner, which fetches the FCM Device token, scans QR codes, and registers the device to receive Push notifications. You can call the function below in your Main Activity to register the device. On button click, it will start scanning the MFA, push QR code, and register the device. You can also pass a custom success message upon successful device registration. Here is the implementation code:

 public QRScanner qrscanner;
qrscanner = new QRScanner ( this );
String SuccessMessage = "Device is registered successfully";
qrscanner.startScan (SuccessMessage );

Make sure to call onActivityResult of QRScanner within MainActivity's onActivityResult to return the result data to the QR Scanner helper.

protected void onActivityResult ( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) {
super.onActivityResult ( requestCode, resultCode, data );
qrscanner.onActivityResult ( requestCode, resultCode, data );

Upon successful device registration, a toast message saying "Registration successful" will be displayed. If any errors occur during registration, an error message will be shown.

Session Login/Logout

Session Login and Logout mathod use for store access_token and userProfile after successful login in Android SharedPreferences for long time.

LoginUtil session = new LoginUtil(getApplicationContext());

You can store access_token after successful login.


You can store access_token and userProfile after successful login.


After successful login or social login loginradius access token and user profile can be accessed like this.

Log.d("token",session.getAccessToken()); //For Getting the LoginRadius Local Store(SharedPreferences) Access Token For Further Uses.
Log.d("profile",session.getProfile().FirstName); //For Getting the LoginRadius Local Store(SharedPreferences) Profile For Further Uses.

We added a small boolean function if you want to check whether the user is logged in or not.

Log.d("token_login", String.valueOf(session.isLogin()));


session.logout("<access_token>", new LoginUtil.LogoutCallBack() {
public void Response(Boolean isLogout, Boolean isError, ErrorResponse error) {
if(isLogout && !isError){
// logout successfully
}else if(isLogout && isError){
// logout successfully from local session but get a Error from LoginRadius API.

Single Sign On

SSO allows a single identity for each customer to be created and recognized across all of your Android app properties. This makes it possible for your customers to easily navigate between the app with one social ID.

  1. Add the following data sharedUserId to your Android Manifest after the package tag:​
  1. SSO code given below requires to be included in all the Activity where you have handled Login functionality. Use the below code for enabling the SSO Login for Android Applications.
public Boolean setSSOLogin(String token) {
if (token != "" && token != null) {
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(Endpoint.SHAREDPREFERENCEFILEKEY, MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putString("ssoaccesstoken", token);
return true;
} else {
return false;
  1. In the loginradiusSso method, you must pass other app applicationId From Which app you are using to get the Loginradius token. applicationId store in your app build.gradle file.
Context con = createPackageContext("put your second app applicationId", 0);
  1. After successful login you must be added the code for the logout.
Context con = null;
try {
con = createPackageContext("put your second app applicationId", 0);
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
SharedPreferences pref = con.getSharedPreferences(Endpoint.SHAREDPREFERENCEFILEKEY, MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences(Endpoint.SHAREDPREFERENCEFILEKEY, MODE_PRIVATE).edit();

##Advanced Configuration Social Login Required Fields Flow After the process of social login, the SDK flow is redirected to a predefined form having a list of required and optional fields. They are needed to fill out the missing information about the user. If there is a need to customize the default form, options listed below are helpful. For social web login

LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin webLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin();
//avoid the required fields form
//set the color for required fields

For social native login

LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin nativeLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin();
//avoid the required fields form
//set the color for required fields

For traditional login

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();

//Used to enable missing/required fields flow in traditional login.
api.setAskRequiredFieldsOnTraditionalLogin(false); //true, by default

api.login(getApplicationContext(), params, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Login By Email","First Name: "+data.getProfile().getFirstName());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login By Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());

Social Login Custom Scope There are some special permissions related to accessing a user's social account. They are known as scopes. There are some default scopes needed for user data. But, they can be overridden for some special needs. To use only specified custom scopes and ignoring the default ones, you can try out the following code:

LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin webLogin = new LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin();

Configure Custom Verification URL and Reset Password URL When the user is being registered with the help of email, it needs to be verified through a link received in the email. A similar link is received when the user tries to recover password through email. By default, the link redirects to the default LoginRadius Identity Experience Framework. Following represents the URL of the default Identity Experience Framework:

To override the default verification and reset password url, additional parameters can be passed at the time of SDK initialization. Following code can be used for reference:

LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize init = new LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize();

LoginRadius API Showcase

This section helps you to explore various API methods of LoginRadius Android SDK. They can be used to fulfill your identity based needs related to traditional login, registration, social login and many more.

Authentication API

This API is used to perform operations on a user account after the user has authenticated himself for the changes to be made. Generally, it is used for front end API calls. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

Registration By Email

This API creates a user in the database as well as sends a verification email to the user.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
params.setPreventEmailVerification(true); //optional
String sott = "put_your_sott_here"; //Required
final RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData();
data.setAcceptPrivacyPolicy(true); //optional
Email emailObj = new Email();
data.setEmail(new ArrayList<Email>(Arrays.asList(emailObj)));

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.register(params,sott,data,new AsyncHandler<RegisterResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
Log.i("Registration By Email","Please verify your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Registration By Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login By Email

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Email.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
params.setPreventEmailVerification(true); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.login(getApplicationContext(), params, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Login By Email","First Name: "+data.getProfile().getFirstName());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login By Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login By Username

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Username.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
params.setPreventEmailVerification(true); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.login(getApplicationContext(), params, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Login By Username","First Name: "+data.getProfile().getFirstName());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login By Username","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Accept Privacy Policy

This API is used to accept the current privacy policy

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.acceptPrivacyPolicy(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile data) {
Log.i("Accept Privacy Policy", data.FirstName);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Accept Privacy Policy", "Error: "+error.getMessage());
Send Welcome Email

This API is used to send the welcome email

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.sendWelcomeEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Send Welcome Email","Success");
Log.i("Send Welcome Email","Failure");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Send Welcome Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Read Complete User Profile

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.readAllUserProfile(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile data) {
Log.i("Complete User Profile","Email: "+data.Email.get(0).Value);
Log.i("Complete User Profile","UID: "+data.getUid());
Log.i("Complete User Profile","No of Logins: "+data.getNoOfLogins());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Complete User Profile","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Social Identity

This API is called just after the account linking API and it prevents the traditional profile of the second account from getting created.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.getSocialProfile(params,new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile profile) {
Log.i("Get Social Profile","FirstName: "+profile.FirstName);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Social Profile","Error: "+error.getMessage());

This API is used to link up a social provider account with the specified account based on the access token and the social providers user access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject change = new JsonObject();
change.addProperty("candidateToken", "<provider-login-access-token>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.linkAccount(params, change, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
if (registerResponse.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Link Social Account","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Link Social Account",error.getMessage());

This API is used to unlink up a social provider account with the specified account based on the access token and the social providers user access token. The unlinked account will automatically get removed from your database.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject change = new JsonObject();
change.addProperty("Provider", "<provider-name>");
change.addProperty("ProviderId", "<provider-token>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.unlinkAccount(params, change, new AsyncHandler < DeleteResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(DeleteResponse deleteResponse) {
if (deleteResponse.getIsDeleted()) {
Log.i("Unlink Social Account","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Unlink Social Account",error.getMessage());
Update User Profile

This API is used to update the user profile by the access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
update.addProperty("FirstName", "<first-name>");
update.addProperty("LastName", "<last-name>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.updateProfile(params, update, new AsyncHandler < UpdateProfileResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(UpdateProfileResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Update Profile","Profile updated successfully");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Update Profile","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Check Email Availability

This API is used to check the email exists or not on your site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.checkEmailAvailability(params, new AsyncHandler<CheckAvailability>() {
public void onSuccess(CheckAvailability data) {
Log.i("Check Email","Email exists");
Log.i("Check Email","Email not exists");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Check Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Add Email

This API is used to add additional emails to a user's account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
update.addProperty("Email", "<email-address>");
update.addProperty("Type", "Secondary"); // your email type
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.addEmail(params, update, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
if (registerResponse.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Add Email","Please verify your email to add your email");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Add Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Verify Email

This API is used to verify the email of user.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setWelcomeEmailTemplate("<welcome-email-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.verifyEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<VerifyEmailResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(VerifyEmailResponse data) {
Log.i("Verify Email","Email verified");
Log.i("Verify Email","Email not verified");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Verify Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Verify Email By OTP

This API is used to verify the email of the user using OTP.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>"); //for account lockout
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.verifyEmailByOtp(params, securityanswer, new AsyncHandler<VerifyEmailResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(VerifyEmailResponse data) {
Log.i("Verify Email By OTP","Success");
Log.i("Verify Email By OTP","Failure");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Verify Email By OTP","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Remove Email

This API is used to remove additional emails from a user's account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject delete = new JsonObject();
delete.addProperty("Email", "<email-address>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.removeEmail(params, delete, new AsyncHandler < DeleteResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(DeleteResponse deleteResponse) {
if (deleteResponse.getIsDeleted()) {
Log.i("Remove Email","Email removed");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Remove Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Resend Verification Email

This API resends the verification email to the user.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
JsonObject data = new JsonObject();
data.addProperty("email", "<email-address>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resendEmailVerification(params, data, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
Log.i("Resend Email","Verification email sent again");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Resend Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Change Password

This API is used to change the accounts password based on the previous password.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject change = new JsonObject();
change.addProperty("OldPassword", "<old-password>");
change.addProperty("NewPassword", "<new-password>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.changePassword(params, change, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
if (registerResponse.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Change Password","Password changed");
Log.i("Change Password","Password not changed");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Change Password","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Forgot Password By Email

This API is used to send the reset password url to a specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.forgotPasswordByEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<ForgotPasswordResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(ForgotPasswordResponse data) {
Log.i("Forgot Password Email","Reset password link sent on your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Forgot Password Email","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Validate Access Token

This api validates access token, if valid then returns a response with its expiry otherwise error.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.validateAccessToken(params, new AsyncHandler <AccessTokenResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(AccessTokenResponse data) {
Log.i("Validate Access Token","Validity: "+data.expires_in.toString());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Validate Access Token","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Invalidate Access Token

This api call invalidates the active access token or expires an access token's validity.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.invalidateAccessToken(params, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse data) {
Log.i("Invalidate Access Token","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Invalidate Access Token","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Security Questions By Email

This API is used to retrieve the list of questions that are configured on the respective LoginRadius site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.getSecurityQuestions(params, new AsyncHandler < SecurityQuestionsResponse[] > () {
public void onSuccess(SecurityQuestionsResponse[] data) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Question: "+data[0].getQuestion());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Security Questions By Username

This API is used to retrieve the list of questions that are configured on the respective LoginRadius site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.getSecurityQuestions(params, new AsyncHandler < SecurityQuestionsResponse[] > () {
public void onSuccess(SecurityQuestionsResponse[] data) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Question: "+data[0].getQuestion());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Security Questions By Access Token

This API is used to retrieve the list of questions that are configured on the respective LoginRadius site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.getSecurityQuestions(params, new AsyncHandler < SecurityQuestionsResponse[] > () {
public void onSuccess(SecurityQuestionsResponse[] data) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Question: "+data[0].getQuestion());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Update Security Questions By Access Token

This API is used to update security questions by the access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>");
update.add("securityanswer", securityanswer);

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.updateSecurityQuestionByAccessToken(params, update, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Security Questions updated successfully");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login with Security Questions By Email

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Email with help of security questions, when the account gets locked.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
JsonObject qaJson = new JsonObject();
qaJson.addProperty("<question-id>","<answer>"); //there can be multiple question and answer pairs
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.loginWithSecurityQuestion(LoginActivity.this, params, qaJson, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login with Security Questions By Username

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Username with help of security questions, when the account gets locked.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>"); //optional
JsonObject qaJson = new JsonObject();
qaJson.addProperty("<question-id>","<answer>"); //there can be multiple question and answer pairs
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.loginWithSecurityQuestion(LoginActivity.this, params, qaJson, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Update Phone

This API is used to update the login Phone Number of users

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
update.addProperty("Phone", "<mobile-phone-number>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.updatePhone(params, update, new AsyncHandler<PhoneResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(PhoneResponse response) {
Log.i("Update Phone","Phone updated successfully");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Update Phone","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Check Username Availability

This API is used to check the UserName exists or not on your site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.checkUsernameAvailability(params, new AsyncHandler<CheckAvailability>() {
public void onSuccess(CheckAvailability data) {
Log.i("Check Username","Username exists");
Log.i("Check Username","Username not exists");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Check Username","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Set or Change Username

This API is used to set or change UserName by access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.updateUsername(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Username","Username updated successfully");
Log.i("Username","Username update failed");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Username","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Reset Password By Email OTP

This API is used to reset password using the OTP received by email.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setWelcomeEmailTemplate("<welcome-email-template>"); //optional
params.setResetPasswordEmailTemplate("<reset-password-email-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resetPasswordByOtp(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Reset Password By OTP","Success");
Log.i("Reset Password By OTP","Failure");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Reset Password By OTP","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Reset Password By Reset Token

This API is used to set a new password for the specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resetPasswordByResetToken(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password successful");
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password failed");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Reset Password By Security Questions using Email

This API is used to reset password for the specified account by security question.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setResetPasswordEmailTemplate("<reset-password-email-template>"); //optional
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>");
update.add("securityanswer", securityanswer);

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resetPasswordBySecurityQuestions(params, update, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password successful");
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password failed");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Reset Password By Security Questions using Username

This API is used to reset password for the specified account by security question.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>");
update.add("securityanswer", securityanswer);

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resetPasswordBySecurityQuestions(params, update, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password successful");
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password failed");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Delete Account

This API is used to delete account using delete token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.deleteAccount(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Delete Account","Account deleted");
Log.i("Delete Account","Account not deleted");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Delete Account","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Delete Account with Email confirmation

API deletes the user account by the access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setDeleteUrl("<delete-url>") //optional
params.setEmailTemplate("<email-template>") //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.deleteAccountByConfirmEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<DeleteAccountResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(DeleteAccountResponse data) {
Log.i("Delete Account","Delete confirmation mail sent");
Log.i("Delete Account","Delete confirmation mail not sent");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Delete Account","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###Phone Authentication This API is used to perform operations on a user account by Phone after the user has authenticated himself for the changes to be made. Generally, it is used for front end API calls. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

Registration By Phone

This API registers the new users into your Cloud Directory and triggers the phone verification process.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
params.setPreventEmailVerification(true); //optional
String sott = "put_your_sott_here"; //Required
final RegistrationData data = new RegistrationData();
data.setAcceptPrivacyPolicy(true); //optional

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.register(params,sott,data,new AsyncHandler<RegisterResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse registerResponse) {
Log.i("Registration By Phone","OTP sent to your mobile number");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Registration By Phone","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login By Phone

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Phone.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.login(getApplicationContext(), params, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Login By Phone","First Name: "+data.getProfile().getFirstName());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login By Phone","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Forgot Password By Phone

This API is used to send the OTP to reset the account password.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.forgotPasswordByPhone(params, new AsyncHandler<PhoneForgotPasswordResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(PhoneForgotPasswordResponse data) {
Log.i("Forgot Password Phone","OTP sent on your mobile number");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Forgot Password Phone","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Verify OTP After Forgot Password

This API is used to reset the password.

JsonObject register = new JsonObject();
register.addProperty("Phone", "232323232323232"); //put phone number
register.addProperty("otp", "232323"); //put otp
register.addProperty("password", "22444"); //put password
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.verifyOtpForgotPassword(register, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Access Token: "+response.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Error: "+error.getMessage());
Check Phone Availability

This API is used to check the Phone Number exists or not on your site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.checkPhoneAvailability(params, new AsyncHandler <CheckAvailability> () {
public void onSuccess(CheckAvailability data) {
Log.i("Check Phone","Phone number exists");
Log.i("Check Phone","Phone number not exists");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Check Phone","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Resend OTP

This API is used to resend a verification OTP to verify a user's Phone Number. The user will receive a verification code that they will need to input.

JsonObject register = new JsonObject();
register.addProperty("Phone", "<mobile-phone-number>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resendOtp(register, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
Log.i("Resend OTP","OTP sent again to your mobile phone");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Resend OTP","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Resend OTP By Access Token

This API is used to resend a verification OTP to verify a user's Phone Number in cases in which an active token already exists.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resendOtpByToken(params, new AsyncHandler < PhoneResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PhoneResponse response) {
Log.i("Resend OTP","OTP sent again to your mobile phone");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Resend OTP","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Verify OTP

This API is used to validate the verification code sent to verify a user's phone number.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject register = new JsonObject();
register.addProperty("Phone", "<phone-number>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.verifyOtp(params, register, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Access Token: "+response.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Error: "+error.getMessage());
Verify OTP By Token

This API is used to consume the verification code sent to verify a user's phone number. Use this call for front-end purposes in cases where the user is already logged in by passing the user's access token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
JsonObject register = new JsonObject();
register.addProperty("Phone", "<phone-number>");
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.verifyOtp(params, register, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Access Token: "+response.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Verify OTP", "Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Security Questions By Phone

This API is used to retrieve the list of questions that are configured on the respective LoginRadius site.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.getSecurityQuestions(params, new AsyncHandler < SecurityQuestionsResponse[] > () {
public void onSuccess(SecurityQuestionsResponse[] data) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Question: "+data[0].getQuestion());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Security Questions","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Login with Security Questions By Phone

This API retrieves a copy of the user data based on the Phone with help of security questions, when the account gets locked.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setLoginUrl("<login-url>"); //optional
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
JsonObject qaJson = new JsonObject();
qaJson.addProperty("<question-id>","<answer>"); //there can be multiple question and answer pairs
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.loginWithSecurityQuestion(LoginActivity.this, params, qaJson, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Reset Password By Security Questions using Phone

This API is used to reset password for the specified account by security question.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject update = new JsonObject();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>");
update.add("securityanswer", securityanswer);

AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.resetPasswordBySecurityQuestions(params, update, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password successful");
Log.i("Reset Password","Reset password failed");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Reset Password","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Remove Phone ID by Access Token

This API is used to delete the Phone ID on a user's account via the access_token.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.removePhoneIDByAccessToken(params, new AsyncHandler<DeleteResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(DeleteResponse response) {
Log.i("Remove Phone ID","Remove Phone ID");
Log.i("Remove Phone ID","Account Not Remove Phone ID");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Remove Phone ID","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###PIN Authentication This API is used to perform operations on a user account by PIN after the user has authenticated himself for the changes to be made. Generally, it is used for front end API calls. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

PIN Login

This API is used to login a user by pin and session_token.

QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
PINRequiredModel pin = new PINRequiredModel();

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.loginByPIN(queryParams, pin, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.d("Success", data.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Set Pin By PinAuthToken

This API is used to change a user's PIN using Pin Auth token.

PINRequiredModel pinRequiredModel = new PINRequiredModel();
String pinAuthToken = "<pinAuthToken>";
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.setPINByPinAuthToken(pinAuthToken, pinRequiredModel, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.d("Success", data.getSessionToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Forgot Pin By Email

This API sends the reset pin email to specified email address.

QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
String email = "<email>";

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.forgotPINByEmail(queryParams, email, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Forgot Pin By UserName

This API sends the reset pin email using username.

QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams();
String userName = "<userName>";

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.forgotPINByUserName(queryParams, userName, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Forgot Pin By Phone

This API sends the OTP to specified phone number.

String smsTemplate = "<smsTemplate>";
String phone = "<phone>";
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.forgotPINByPhone(phone,smsTemplate, new AsyncHandler < PhoneResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PhoneResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN by Email and OTP

This API is used to reset pin using email and OTP.

ResetPINByEmailModel resetPinByEmailModel = new ResetPINByEmailModel();
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByEmailAndOTP(resetPinByEmailModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN by UserName and OTP

This API is used to reset pin using username and OTP.

ResetPINByUserNameModel resetPinByUsernameModel = new ResetPINByUserNameModel();
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByUserNameAndOTP(resetPinByUsernameModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN by Phone and OTP

This API is used to reset pin using phoneId and OTP.

ResetPINByPhoneModel resetPinByPhoneModel = new ResetPINByPhoneModel();

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByPhoneAndOTP(resetPinByPhoneModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN by ResetToken

This API is used to reset pin using reset token.

ResetPINByResetToken resetPINByResetToken = new ResetPINByResetToken();

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByResetToken(resetPINByResetToken, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Email

This API is used to reset pin using security question answer and email.

ResetPINByEmailModel resetPinByEmailModel = new ResetPINByEmailModel();
Map < String, String > securityAnswer = new HashMap < String, String > ();
securityAnswer.put("<security-qustion-id>", "<security-answer>");

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();

pinApi.resetPINByEmailAndSecurityQuestion(resetPinByEmailModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Username

This API is used to reset pin using security question answer and username.

ResetPINByUserNameModel resetPinByUsernameModel = new ResetPINByUserNameModel();
Map < String, String > securityAnswer = new HashMap < String, String > ();
securityAnswer.put("<security-qustion-id>", "<security-answer>");

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByUserNameAndSecurityQuestion(resetPinByUsernameModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Reset PIN By SecurityAnswer And Phone

This API is used to reset pin using security question answer and phone.

ResetPINByPhoneModel resetPinByPhoneModel = new ResetPINByPhoneModel();
Map < String, String > securityAnswer = new HashMap < String, String > ();
securityAnswer.put("<security-qustion-id>", "<security-answer>");

PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.resetPINByPhoneAndSecurityQuestion(resetPinByPhoneModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Change Pin By Token

This API is used to change a user's PIN using access token.

ChangePINModel changePINModel = new ChangePINModel();
String accessToken = "<accessToken>";
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.changePINByAccessToken(accessToken, changePINModel, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());
Invalidate Pin Session Token

This API is used to invalidate pin session token.

String sessionToken="<sessionToken>";
PinAuthenticationAPI pinApi = new PinAuthenticationAPI();
pinApi.invalidatePINSessionToken(sessionToken, new AsyncHandler < PostResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostResponse data) {
Log.d("Success", String.valueOf(data.getIsPosted()));

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.e("Error", error.getMessage());

###Social API This API is used to fetch information about the social accounts of the user. It helps to get several type of information such as social profile, status, likes, messages, posts and more. Following are the methods covered under this API:

Social User Profile

The User Profile API is used to get social profile data from the user’s social account after authentication.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getUserProfile(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile data) {
Log.i("Social Profile","First Name: "+data.FirstName);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Social Profile","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Status

The Status API is used to get the status messages from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getStatus(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusStatus[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusStatus[] data) {
Log.i("Get Status","Value: "+data[0].text);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Status","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Contacts

The Contact API is used to get contacts/friends/connections data from the user’s social account.This is one of the APIs that makes up the LoginRadius Friend Invite System. The data will normalized into LoginRadius’ standard data format. This API requires setting permissions in your LoginRadius Admin Console. Note: Facebook restricts access to the list of friends that is returned. When using the Contacts API with Facebook you will only receive friends that have accepted some permissions with your app. Supported Providers: Facebook, Foursquare, Google, LinkedIn, Live, Twitter, Vkontakte, Yahoo

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getContact(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusContactCursorResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusContactCursorResponse data) {
Log.i("Get Contacts","Name: "+data.Data.get(0).name);
Log.i("Get Contacts","Email: "+data.Data.get(0).emailId);
Log.i("Get Contacts","Phone: "+data.Data.get(0).phoneNumber);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Contacts","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Album

This API returns the photo albums associated with the passed in access tokens Social Profile. Supported Providers: Facebook, Google, Live, Vkontakte.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getAlbum(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusAlbum[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusAlbum[] data) {
Log.i("Get Album","Title: "+data[0].title);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Album","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Audio

The Audio API is used to get audio files data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Live, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getAudio(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusAudio[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusAudio[] data) {
Log.i("Get Audio","Title: "+data[0].title);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Audio","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get CheckIn

The Check In API is used to get check Ins data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, Foursquare, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getCheckIn(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusCheckIn[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusCheckIn[] data) {
Log.i("Get CheckIn","Message: "+data[0].Message);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get CheckIn","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Company

The Company API is used to get the followed companies data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, LinkedIn

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getCompany(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusCompany[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusCompany[] data) {
Log.i("Get Company","Name: "+data[0].Name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Company","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Events

The Event API is used to get the event data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, Live

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getEvent(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusEvent[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusEvent[] data) {
Log.i("Get Events","Name: "+data[0].Name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Events","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Following

Get the following user list from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Twitter

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getFollowing(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusFollowing[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusFollowing[] data) {
Log.i("Get Following","Name: "+data[0].name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Following","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Groups

The Group API is used to get group data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getGroup(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusGroup[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusGroup[] data) {
Log.i("Get Groups","Name: "+data[0].name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Groups","Name: "+data[0].name);
Get Likes

The Like API is used to get likes data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getLike(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusLike[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusLike[] data) {
Log.i("Get Likes","Name: "+data[0].Name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Likes","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Mention

The Mention API is used to get mentions data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Twitter

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getMention(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusMention[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusMention[] data) {
Log.i("Get Mention","Name: "+data[0].name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Mention","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Photo

The Photo API is used to get photo data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, Foursquare, Google, Live, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getPhoto(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusPhoto[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusPhoto[] data) {
Log.i("Get Photo","Name: "+data[0].Name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Photo","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Page

The Page API is used to get the page data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, LinkedIn

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getPage(params, new AsyncHandler < LoginRadiusPage > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusPage data) {
Log.i("Get Page","Location: "+data.Locations.get(0).City);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Page","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Video

The Video API is used to get video files data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook, Google, Live, Vkontakte

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getVideo(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusVideo[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusVideo[] data) {
Log.i("Get Video","Name: "+data[0].Name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Video","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Post Message

Post Message API is used to post messages to the user’s contacts. Supported Providers: Twitter, LinkedIn The Message API is used to post messages to the user’s contacts. This is one of the APIs that makes up the LoginRadius Friend Invite System. After using the Contact API, you can send messages to the retrieved contacts. This API requires setting permissions in your LoginRadius Admin Console.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setReceiver(URLEncoder.encode("<put receiver id>", "utf-8"));
params.setSubject(URLEncoder.encode("<put subject>", "utf-8"));
params.setMessage(URLEncoder.encode("<put message>", "utf-8"));
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.postMessage(params, new AsyncHandler < PostAPIResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostAPIResponse data) {
Log.i("Post Message","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Post Message","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Get Posts

The Post API is used to get post message data from the user’s social account. Supported Providers: Facebook

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.getPost(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusPost[]>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusPost[] data) {
Log.i("Get Posts","Name: "+data[0].name);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Get Posts","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Status Update

The Status API is used to update the status on the user’s wall. Supported Providers: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setStatus(URLEncoder.encode("<status>", "utf-8"));
params.setUrl(URLEncoder.encode("", "utf-8"));
params.setImageUrl(URLEncoder.encode("", "utf-8"));
params.setTitle(URLEncoder.encode("", "utf-8"));
params.setDescription(URLEncoder.encode("", "utf-8"));
params.setCaption(URLEncoder.encode("", "utf-8"));
SocialAPI api = new SocialAPI();
api.updateStatus(params, new AsyncHandler < PostAPIResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(PostAPIResponse data) {
Log.i("Status Update","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Status Update","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###One Touch Login API This API is used to simplify the registration process to the minimum steps. It is really useful when there is a need to avoid hassles related to user registration. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

One Touch Login By Email

This API is used to send login link on email id for Instant Registration

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
// params.setRedirecturl("<redirect-url>"); //optional
// params.setOnetouchloginemailtemplate("<one-touch-login-email-template>"); //optional
// params.setWelcomeEmailTemplate("<welcome-email-template>"); //optional

OneTouchLoginEmailModel payload = new OneTouchLoginEmailModel();

OneTouchLoginAPI api = new OneTouchLoginAPI();
api.loginByEmail(params,payload, new AsyncHandler <RegisterResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
if (response.getIsPosted()) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Success");
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
One Touch Login By Phone

This API is used to send one time password on given phone number for Instant Registration

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
//params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
OneTouchLoginPhoneModel payload = new OneTouchLoginPhoneModel();

OneTouchLoginAPI api = new OneTouchLoginAPI();
api.loginByPhone(params,payload, new AsyncHandler <PhoneDataResponse> () {
public void onSuccess(PhoneDataResponse response) {
if (response.getData().getSid()!=null) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
One Touch Email Verification

This API verifies the provided token for One Touch Login.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
OneTouchLoginAPI api = new OneTouchLoginAPI();
api.oneTouchEmailVerification(params, new AsyncHandler<VerifyResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(VerifyResponse data) {
Log.i("OneTouch Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("OneTouch Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
One Touch Login Ping

This API is used to check if the One Touch Login link has been clicked or not.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

OneTouchLoginAPI api = new OneTouchLoginAPI();
api.oneTouchLoginPing(params, new AsyncHandler <LoginData> () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
Log.i("OneTouch Login","Access Token: "+response.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("OneTouch Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
One Touch Login OTP Verification

This API is used to verify the otp for Instant Registration

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
//params.setSmsTemplate("sms-template"); //optional
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
jsonObject.addProperty("phone", "<phone>");

OneTouchLoginAPI api = new OneTouchLoginAPI();
api.verifyOTP(params, jsonObject, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
if (response!=null) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("One Touch Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###Smart Login API This API is used to implement Smart Login. It includes methods to send Smart Login links to the customer's email, verifying them and validating their hit count. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

Smart Login By Email

This API sends a Smart Login link to the customer's Email Id.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmartLoginEmailTemplate("<smart-login-email-template>"); //optional
SmartLoginAPI api = new SmartLoginAPI();
api.login(params, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Smart Login link sent on your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Smart Login By Username

This API sends a Smart Login link to the customer's Email Id.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmartLoginEmailTemplate("<smart-login-email-template>"); //optional
SmartLoginAPI api = new SmartLoginAPI();
api.login(params, new AsyncHandler < RegisterResponse > () {
public void onSuccess(RegisterResponse response) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Smart Login link sent on your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Smart Login Ping

This API is used to check that the Smart Login link has been clicked or not on server.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

SmartLoginAPI api = new SmartLoginAPI();, new AsyncHandler < LoginData > () {
public void onSuccess(LoginData response) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Access Token: "+response.getAccessToken());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Smart Login Verify By Token

This API verifies the provided token for Smart Login.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
SmartLoginAPI api = new SmartLoginAPI();
api.verifyToken(params, new AsyncHandler<VerifyResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(VerifyResponse data) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Smart Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###Passwordless Link Login This API is used to implement a passwordless login flow. It includes methods for sending passwordless login links through email and username. Also, they allow to verify those links. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

Passwordless Login By Email

This API is used to send Passwordless Login verification link by Email ID.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setPasswordlessLoginTemplate("<password-less-login-template>"); //optional
PasswordlessLoginAPI api = new PasswordlessLoginAPI();
api.loginByEmail(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Passwordless Login link sent on your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Passwordless Login By Username

This API is used to send Passwordless Login verification link by UserName.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setPasswordlessLoginTemplate("<password-less-login-template>"); //optional
PasswordlessLoginAPI api = new PasswordlessLoginAPI();
api.loginByUsername(params, new AsyncHandler<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(UpdateResponse data) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Passwordless Login link sent on your email");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Passwordless Login Verification

This API is used to verify Passwordless Login verification link.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setWelcomeEmailTemplate("<welcome-email-template>"); //optional
PasswordlessLoginAPI api = new PasswordlessLoginAPI();
api.verifyLink(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Passwordless Login Send Phone OTP

This API is used to send OTP to phone for passwordless login

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
params.setSmsTemplate("<sms-template>"); //optional
PasswordlessLoginAPI api = new PasswordlessLoginAPI();
api.sendOtpToPhone(params, new AsyncHandler<PhoneSendOtpData>() {
public void onSuccess(PhoneSendOtpData data) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Passwordless Login By Phone

This API is used to login by phone using OTP.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject securityanswer = new JsonObject();
securityanswer.addProperty("<put-your-security-question-id>", "<put-Answer>"); //for account lockout
PasswordlessLoginAPI api = new PasswordlessLoginAPI();
api.loginByPhone(params, securityanswer, new AsyncHandler<LoginData>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginData data) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","First Name: "+data.getProfile().getFirstName().toString());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Passwordless Login","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###Custom Object API This API is used to create additional custom fields for user registration. It provides methods for creating, updating and deleting custom objects. Following is the list of methods covered under this API:

Create Custom Object

This API is used to write information in JSON format to the custom object for the specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
JsonObject registerdata = new JsonObject();
registerdata.addProperty("<customdata1>", "<value>");
registerdata.addProperty("<customdata2>", "<value>");

CustomObjectAPI api = new CustomObjectAPI();
api.createCustomObject(params, registerdata, new AsyncHandler<CreateCustomObject>() {
public void onSuccess(CreateCustomObject createCustomObject) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Custom Object ID: "+createCustomObject.getId());
public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Read Custom Object By Token

This API is used to retrieve the specified Custom Object data for the specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
CustomObjectAPI api = new CustomObjectAPI();
api.readCustomObjectByToken(params, new AsyncHandler<ReadCustomObject>() {
public void onSuccess(ReadCustomObject readCustomObject) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Custom Object ID: "+readCustomObject.getData().get(i).getId());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Read Custom Object by Record ID

This API is used to retrieve the Custom Object data for the specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

CustomObjectAPI api = new CustomObjectAPI();
api.readCustomObjectById(params, new AsyncHandler<CreateCustomObject>() {
public void onSuccess(CreateCustomObject readCustomObject) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Custom Object ID: "+readCustomObject.getData().get(i).getId());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Custom Object","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Update Custom Object

This API is used to update the specified custom object data of the specified account. If the value of updatetype is 'replace' then it will fully replace custom object with the new custom object and if the value of updatetype is 'partialreplace' then it will perform an upsert type operation.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
// params.setUpdatetype(true); // if you want to do replace all data (optional)
JsonObject updatedata = new JsonObject();
updatedata.addProperty("<customdata1>", "<value>");
updatedata.addProperty("<customdata2>", "<value>");

CustomObjectAPI api = new CustomObjectAPI();
api.updateCustomObject(params,updatedata, new AsyncHandler<CreateCustomObject>() {
public void onSuccess(CreateCustomObject customObject) {
Log.i("Update Custom Object","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Update Custom Object","Error: "+error.getMessage());
Delete Custom Object

This API is used to remove the specified Custom Object data using ObjectRecordId of a specified account.

QueryParams params = new QueryParams();

CustomObjectAPI api = new CustomObjectAPI();
api.deleteCustomObject(params, new AsyncHandler<DeleteResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(DeleteResponse deleteResponse) {
Log.i("Delete Custom Object","Success");

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Delete Custom Object","Error: "+error.getMessage());

###Configuration API This API is used to get information about the configuration on the LoginRadius site. Following is the method covered in this API:

ConfigurationAPI api = new ConfigurationAPI();
api.getResponse(new AsyncHandler<ConfigResponse>() {
public void onSuccess(ConfigResponse data) {
Log.i("Configuration","Site Name: "+data.getAppName());

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {

Projection of fields

When you want to get selected fields of data, you can pass additional info in the API method. For example, if you want only the FirstName and LastName field from the profile data, you can use the following code:

String fields[] = new String[]{"FirstName","LastName"};
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.readAllUserProfile(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile data) {
Log.i("Profile Data","First Name: "+data.FirstName+" Last Name: "+data.LastName);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Profile Data","Error: "+error.getMessage());

In another case, when the data is nested i.e. inside an object or an array, you can use round brackets "()" to pass the info in proper hierarchy. For example, in the above scenario, if you want to extract the Value from Email array, you can use the following code:

String fields[] = new String[]{"Email(Value)"};
QueryParams params = new QueryParams();
AuthenticationAPI api = new AuthenticationAPI();
api.readAllUserProfile(params, new AsyncHandler<LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile>() {
public void onSuccess(LoginRadiusUltimateUserProfile data) {
Log.i("Profile Data","Email Value: "+data.Email.get(0).Value);

public void onFailure(Throwable error, String errorcode) {
Log.i("Profile Data","Error: "+error.getMessage());

Projection of fields can be applied to the following API methods:

  • AuthenticationAPI.getSocialProfile()
  • AuthenticationAPI.readAllUserProfile()
  • SocialAPI.getUserProfile()

Run Demo

You can try out the bundled demo application with SDK to explore various features. Following are some key features highlighted in the demo app:

  • Login - to show login interface

  • Registration - to show the registration form as per your configuration

  • Forgot Password - to show forgot password interface

    After importing the demo project in Android Studio, there is a need to configure API Key, Site Name and SOTT. These values are initialized in

LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize init = new Initialize();

You can configure API Key and Site Name values in the strings.xml of the demo project.

<string name="api_key">your loginradius api key</string>
<string name="site_name">your loginradius sitename</string>

To configure SOTT, replace the value in the following code in

String sott = "put your sott here";

Reference Manual

Please find the reference manual here