Drupal v7.x Customer Identity and Access Management Module Instructions
LoginRadius Customer Identity and Access Management Plugin simplifies and secures your user registration process, increases user conversion with Social Login that combines 40+ major social platforms and offers a full solution with Traditional Customer Registration. Also, you can gather a wealth of customer profile data from Social Login and Traditional Customer Registration, have a centralized view of entire customer data and manage it easily. Thus, it helps you to boost customer engagement, manage online identities, capture accurate customer data and get unique social insights into your customer base.
LoginRadius CIAM Drupal module replaces default authentication inside the Drupal with the LoginRadius JS interfaces. It consists of three submodules as following:
- CIAM: This is the base module that enables LoginRadius functionality into the Drupal application.
- Idx: By Enabling this module, you can leverage the LoginRadius IDX page for Registration, Forgot Password, and Login functions.
- SSO: Enable and configure this module for setting up WEB SSO between your Drupal and LoginRadius applications.
Some of the functionalities in this doc require additional add-ons, If you need assistance contact LoginRadius Support.
Note: If you are already using any previous version of Social Login, follow the Uninstallation section to uninstall the module first. Enabling both the versions together i.e. V1 and V2 of Drupal v7.x plugins may cause conflicts. Kindly disable one of them for smoother operations.
Installing manually
Download the Customer Identity module.
Unarchive the module and upload the module folder to your Drupal installation's sites/all/modules directory.
Login to the Drupal admin panel.
Click on the Modules tab and you'll see the LoginRadius module in modules list in your site's admin account.
Enable the Customer Identity Modules and click on Save Configuration.
Installing via the web interface
- Log in to your Drupal admin panel.
- Click on the Modules tab and then, click Install new module.
- Browse for the ciam_loginradius zip file and install the module.
- After a successful installation, you'll see the CIAM modules on the list. Enable the modules that you want.
Upgrading Existing Module
- Login to In Drupal Admin Panel and go to Reports> Available updates.
- Check the LoginRadius Customer Identity and Access Management under the Modules list.
- Now, click on the Download these Updates button at the bottom.
Configuration and Activation
Note: The complete functionality of this module requires your LoginRadius API Key and Secret. Find further documentation on how you can obtain this data here:
To configure the module, click on the Configuration tab in the top menu, click on Loginradius under People section.
Insert LoginRadius API Key and API Secret under LoginRadius API Configurations section that you get from your LoginRadius Admin Console
Click Save configuration.
Redirection Settings After Login
1. Redirect to the same page:
The customer will be redirected to the same page after login where the customer was before login.
2. Redirect to the profile page:
The customer will be redirected to the profile page after login.
3. Redirect to a custom page
The customer will be redirected to the custom page after login as per the URL.
Email Authentication Settings
- Admin can configure Email Authentication setting by 4 methods :
- Enable prompt password on Social Login.
- Enable login with username.
- Ask for an email from an unverified customer.
- Ask for the required field on Traditional Login.
Note: Email templates can be added/Modified in "Admin Console" which will be displayed in the drupal admin authentication page.
Phone Authentication Settings
Phone Authentication will be displayed in the admin authentication tab only if Phone Workflow is enabled in your app.
Note: If only the Phone Id Login option is enabled for the App, a random Email Id will be generated if a customer registered using the PhoneID. Format of random email id is: "[email protected]"
If only the Phone Id Login option is enabled for the App, and customer registers only with Phone ID (without Email, Username, first name, Last name) then Phone ID will be displayed as a username.
- SMS templates can be added/Modified in "Admin Console" which will be displayed in the drupal admin authentication page.
Field Mapping
To enable User Fields mapping to Profile Data follow below steps:
- Login to the Drupal admin panel.
- Click on MANAGE FIELDS section under Configuration > Account settings.
- Create User fields as per your requirements.
- Go to LoginRadius module to map user fields with the LR fields that are enabled from standard login of the admin console. All the User Fields created in drupal will be listed down under Field Mapping.
- Hit the Save configuration button.
Note: The mapping will depend on the type of the fields selected from standard login, an only similar type of fields can be mapped with each other. And after login, the customer can see the mapped value in the 'View' section. Customer can also edit the field values in the Edit section which will be reflected in View page after changes.
Advanced Settings
For the advanced tab settings refer to the below screenshot.
Enable Passwordless link login LoginRadius customers can set up a login flow that allows customers to login without a password by enabling this option. At the same time, Customers have to enable passwordless login from the Admin console as well. For more details, refer our Passwordless Link Login documentation. Passwordless SMS templates can be added/Modified in "Admin Console" which will be displayed in the drupal admin authentication page.
Enable Passwordless OTP Login LoginRadius customers can set up a Passwordless OTP flow that lets the customer enter his phone number and click on the Passwordless OTP login button. Enter the OTP which is received in the phone number to login. Customers have to enable Passwordless OTP login from Admin console as well. For more details, refer our Passwordless OTP Login documentation. Passwordless SMS templates can be added/Modified in "Admin Console" which will be displayed in the drupal admin authentication page.
Enable password strength
Password strength is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, and unpredictability. For more details review our Javascript Hooks documentation.
- Message timeout setting
Admin can set notification timeout (in seconds) by entering the desired time period in ‘Notification timeout settings’. Notification timeout is the time in which admin sets the time for how long the success/error message will display.
Store customer's email address in the database Admin can store customer's registered email address in the drupal database if this option is enabled otherwise a random email id will be generated and stored in the database.
Store user's first and last name as their username in the database Admin can store user's first and last name as the username in the drupal database if this option is enabled otherwise provider id will be stored in the database.
Terms and Conditions
Admin can set Terms and Conditions by entering the content that he wants to be displayed on the registration form.
Common Options
Admin can also enter the common options of loginradius JS in Common options for loginradius interface field, click here for details on common options. For example :
commonOptions.loginOnEmailVerification = true;
- Registration Form Schema
From here, you can customize the default registration form according to your desired fields, validation rules, and field types. All of the standard and custom fields configured in your registration form can be found in Deployment > JS Widgets > Registration Forms.
Single Sign-On
LoginRadius Single Sign-On (SSO) is a feature for multiple site management. It allows your customers to log into one site, then when they navigate themselves to other sites belonging to you and enabled with LoginRadius Single Sign-On(SSO), they are already identified as registered customers and logged in to the site.
######Important Note: Make sure the same LoginRadius Site should be used in all websites in which you want to enable Single Sign-On.
- Navigate to Single Sign-On.
- Select Yes to option under "Do you want to enable Single Sign-On (SSO)?".
Identity Experience Framework
It is a feature for login and registration through the LoginRadius Identity Experience Framework. It allows your customers to log into your site via the LoginRadiusIdentity Experience Framework.
- Navigate to the Identity Experience Framework tab.
- Select Yes option under Do you want to enable Identity Experience Framework ? and hit save the configuration.
Update Profile
Customers can update their profile after login from the profile editor section.
Multi-Factor Authentication
In the case of traditional login, if Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled on your app then the MFA section will be displayed on the profile page. Click on the "2-Step Verification" button to enable Multi-Factor Authentication. By default, MFA is disabled on your LoginRadius site. To enable MFA for your site, in the Admin Console, go to Platform Security > Multi-Layered Security > Multi-Factor Auth. Select the “Enable” option under “Multi-Factor Authentication” and the relevant flow option under the “Select Flow” section.
Note: For Multi-Factor Authentication, by default OTP authenticator is enabled on the app and, in order to enable Google Authenticator, you will need to enable it from the LoginRadius Admin Console.
Scan the barcode from the authenticator app and enter Google Authenticator Code here.
On successful authentication, option to ‘Reset backup code’ will appear on the profile. Customers can reset the generated backup codes from here.
Update Phone Number
This option will appear on profile along with the Phone Number field displaying the respective phone number. It will work only when the ‘Phone and Email Simultaneous Login’ option is enabled on your app.
Advanced Customization
- My website is getting spam, how can I prevent it?
- Where to look for customer details in the database?
- How to verify your server is compatible with LoginRadius API?
- How to clear cache from the Admin panel?
- How to uninstall the Module?
- Login to Drupal admin panel.
- Navigate to the Configuration tab, click on Account Settings.
- Now check the Require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account option under the REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION section.
Customer details are stored in the user's table and loginradius_mapusers table:- users table :
Column | Info |
name | Username |
user's email address |
Column | Info |
provider | Social network provider |
provider_id | Social network provider ID |
#####3. How to verify your server is compatible with LoginRadius API? To check the server compatibility, make sure to check curl.dll or allow_url_fopen files are enabled in “php.ini” file.
#####4. How to clear cache from the Admin panel Clear the cache from the drupal Admin panel. To find the settings Go to configuration> performance and click on “clear all caches” button.
- Login to the Drupal admin panel.
- Go to the Modules tab and disable CIAM module
- Now, click on the Uninstall tab under the Modules tab and check the CIAM module and hit the uninstall button.
Note: Make sure to disable and Uninstall Identity Experience Framework
and SSO (Single Sign-On) modules first, in order to uninstall CIAM module.
Interface customization
CSS Customization
To make the designing customization like interface layout, popup designing or interface elements, use the current theme's CSS file for overriding the design.
The Interface on Custom Page
We have the following interfaces to display on any custom/existing pages:
- Displaying Admin Login Form on a page
- Displaying Forget password form on a page
- Displaying Registration form on a page
- Displaying Login form on a page
In order to display the above interfaces follow the below steps:
Go to drupal Admin Panel > Structure > Blocks here, you will find multiple regions. Select the Region from the dropdown where you want to display the particular block.
Click on Configure to configure the particular form, refer to below screenshot
To show the link of custom login interface and registration interface on any page, add the URL of respective pages refer to the below screenshot.
Click on Pages, select Only the listed pages option under Show block on specific pages and add the Page ID where you want to show the block (interface) and hit on the “Save block” button.
The respective interface will be displayed on the page on the frontend.
Note: Drupal version tested up to 7.67