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LoginRadius EmberJS Demo

Ember is a JavaScript front-end framework designed to help you build websites with rich and complex user interactions. It does so by providing developers both with many features that are essential in managing complexity in modern web applications, as well as an integrated development toolkit that enables rapid iteration.


A key idea behind EmberJS is convention over configuration. This demo employs conventional practices in building EmberJS web pages, with the purpose of showcasing various parts of the LoginRadius JavaScript library. Note that although EmberJS favors convention, there are still many acceptable ways to integrate the LoginRadius JS library. This demo explores one of those ways.

Features include register, login, social login, email verification, forgot password, and reset the password. Styling is kept to a minimum, allowing for easy customization and extension.

Prerequisites: You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  1. Clone the GitHub repo from here
  2. Configure the file /vendor/loginradius/option.js to match your credentials. Note: make sure you fill out all of the fields to prevent unexpected behavior.
  3. On terminal or any command prompt run:
    • cd to the directory
    • npm install

How to Run

  • ember serve
    • Visit your app at http://localhost:4200

Noted Differences between Plain-HTML/CSS/JS & EmberJS:

  • Importing LoginRadiusV2 library:

    • Problem: Invoking a LoginRadiusV2 singleton
    • Solution: Place option.js under vendor folder, and as usual, call var LRObject = new LoginRadiusV2(commonOptions). Import using the asset manifest file ember-cli-build.js, with the line app.import('vendor/loginradius/option.js').
  • Deploying the LR interfaces on the DOM: a.

    • Problem: Where to bind DOM elements and initialize LRObject interfaces?
    • Solution: Use components, and the lifecycle hook didInsertElement(). After the component is successfully rendered, didInsertElement() will be triggered.


    • Problem: Writing the methods correctly, the LR interfaces do not appear on the DOM.

    • Solution: Get rid of the LRObject.util.ready wrapper.

      // BEFORE //
      LRObject.util.ready(function() {

      // AFTER //
      • This will not cause unexpected errors as long as LRObject is properly initialized in option.js, and option.js file is imported in ember-cli-build.js.
  • Deploying the Social Login interface on the DOM (using components):