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LoginRadius YII Demo

Yii is a modern framework designed to be a solid foundation for your PHP application. It is fast, secure, and efficient and works right out of the box pre-configured with reasonable defaults. The framework is easy to adjust to meet your needs because Yii has been designed to be flexible.

This document contains the following two sections:

This demo will help you quickly implement the LoginRadius Identity Platform with the YII framework.

YII Setup and Configuration

This section explains how you can set up and run the YII demo.


  • Basic knowledge of PHP.
  • A composer needs to be installed.

Step 1: Clone the YII demo from this GitHub Repo.

Step 2: To install the dependencies, run the below command:

composer update

Step 3: Configure your LoginRadius credentials in "/web/index.php" file as displayed in the code block below:

define('APP_NAME', 'LOGINRADIUS_SITE_NAME_HERE'); // Replace LOGINRADIUS_SITE_NAME_HERE with your site name that provide in LoginRadius account. define('API_KEY', 'LOGINRADIUS_API_KEY_HERE'); // Replace LOGINRADIUS_API_KEY_HERE with your site API key that is provided in LoginRadius account. define('API_SECRET', 'LOGINRADIUS_API_SECRET_HERE'); // Replace LOGINRADIUS_API_SECRET_HERE with your site Secret key that is provided in LoginRadius account.

define('API_REQUEST_SIGNING', ''); // Pass boolean true if this option is enabled on you app. define('AUTH_FLOW', '');

Note: Replace 'LOGINRADIUS_SITE_NAME_HERE', 'LOGINRADIUS_API_KEY_HERE' and 'LOGINRADIUS_API_SECRET_HERE' in the above code with your LoginRadius Site Name, LoginRadius API Key, and Secret, which you can get here. API Request Signing: define('API_REQUEST_SIGNING', true); if this option is enabled on your app. It will pass the Secret key in the header in API calling instead of parameter.

Step 4: Configure your LoginRadius credentials in "/web/js/option.js" file as displayed in the code block below:

var commonOptions = ; commonOptions.apiKey = "api_key"; commonOptions.appName = "app_name"; commonOptions.hashTemplate = true; commonOptions.sott = ""; // required for customer registration commonOptions.formValidationMessage = true; commonOptions.verificationUrl = domainName+"/login"; commonOptions.resetPasswordUrl = domainName+"/login"; var LRObject = new LoginRadiusV2(commonOptions);

Step 5: After configuring the credentials, run the following command: php yii serve

Step 6: Open the browser and enter the URL: http://localhost:8080/ to run the demo.

Demo Features

Below is the list of features that are included in this demo:

  1. Login
  2. Register
  3. Resend Email Verification
  4. Social Login
  5. Multi-Factor Authentication
  6. Identity Experience Framework
  7. Forgot Password
  8. Custom Object Management
  9. Update Profile
  10. Set Password
  11. Account Linking
  12. Roles Management