901 | The API key is unauthorized. | The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API key or check the API key for your LoginRadius account. | 403 |
902 | The API Secret is unauthorized. | The provided LoginRadius API Secret is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API Secret or check the API Secret for your LoginRadius account. | 403 |
908 | A parameter is not formatted correctly in the request, please check all the parameters in the API call. | A parameter is not formatted correctly | 400 |
920 | API key is invalid. | The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid, please use a valid API key of your LoginRadius account. | 400 |
921 | API secret is invalid. | The provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid, please use a valid API secret of your LoginRadius account. | 400 |
922 | API key is missing. | The request is missing the API key, please use the valid API key parameter in order to process this request. | 400 |
923 | API secret is missing. | The request is missing the API secret, please use the valid API secret parameter in order to process this request. | 400 |
929 | Access token is missing from social ID provider. | The ID Provider access token is required to generate the LoginRadius access token, please use the correct token in order to process this request. | 400 |
950 | The operation failed due to an unknown error. | An unknown error has occurred, please try again in a few minutes or contact your system admin. | 403 |
965 | The post body is invalid. | Please use a valid post body and make sure that it is in a valid JSON format. | 400 |
1000 | Oops, something is going wrong, please try again. | Oops, something is going wrong, please try again. | 403 |
1038 | The email is not valid, please check your email again. | The provided email ID is invalid or not well-formatted, a valid email ID is required in order to process this request. | 400 |
1060 | Access token is missing. | This request is missing the access token, please use the valid access token parameter in order to process this request. | 400 |
1067 | Invalid OTP Code | The OTP code is invalid, please request for a new OTP. | 403 |
1102 | The two-factor authenticator code is incorrect | Please enter the correct authenticator code. | 403 |
1109 | The emailid is a required parameter. | This request could not be processed, The emailid must be specified in the request body. | 400 |
1128 | Two factor authentication backup code is not configured | The two factor authentication backup code is not enabled, please enable or configure two factor authentication for login. | 403 |
1129 | Two factor authentication backup bode is not valid or has already been used | The two factor authentication backup code is not valid or has already been used, please use a valid two factor authentication backup code for login. | 403 |
1178 | Hosted Plugin configuration not found. | Hosted Plugin configuration not found or the resource does not exist. | 401 |
1179 | Password setting is not configured. | The password setting is not configured for this site, Please configure your password settings. | 401 |
1180 | JWT configuration not valid. | The JWT configuration is not valid, Please check the JWT configuration for your LoginRadius account. | 401 |
1182 | Some Issue with password validation API | “Some Issue with password validation API” or error desc passed on from request to external service | 401 |
1183 | Form API configuration not found. | The Form API configuration not found or the resource does not exist. | 401 |
1186 | Custom login API name is invalid. | The provided Custom login API name is invalid, please provide a valid name. | 400 |
1187 | The Email address is a required parameter. | The Email address is required, please use a valid email address in order to process this request. | 400 |
1188 | The Phone number is a required parameter. | The Phone number is required, please use a valid phone number in order to process this request. | 400 |
1189 | The API name is a required parameter. | The API name is required, please use a valid API name in order to process this request. | 400 |
1190 | This Social Provider Name is not Valid. | This Social Provider Name is invalid or not supported by LoginRadius. | 403 |
1192 | The Hosted Plugin configuration not valid | The Hosted Plugin configuration not valid, please check your configuration | 401 |
1193 | The store name is a required parameter. | The store name is a required parameter, please use a valid store name in order to process this request. | 400 |
1194 | The API name is a required parameter | The API name is a required parameter, please use a valid API name in order to process this request. | 400 |
1195 | Bigcommerce API Error | Bigcommerce API error, please try again. | 401 |
1196 | The Jwt app name is a required parameter | The Jwt app name is a required parameter, please use a valid app name in order to process this request. | 400 |
1197 | The SAML configuration not valid | The SAML configuration not valid, please check your configuration | 401 |
1198 | The password is not valid. | Password is not valid, please check your password again. | 400 |
2000 | The phone is a required parameter. | This request could not be processed, the phone must be specified in the request body. | 400 |
2001 | The email/phone is a required parameter. | This request could not be processed because the email/phone must be specified in the request body. | 400 |
2002 | The user does not exist on customer's server. | The user does not exist on the customer's server. | 403 |
2003 | The user claim is not valid. | The provided SAML attributes are invalid, please use a valid SAML attributes in the configuration. | 401 |
2004 | The Assertion Consumer Service Location is required. | The Assertion Consumer Service Location is required in SAML configuration. | 401 |
2005 | The code is expired. | The code is expired, please try again. | 401 |
2006 | The redirect_uri is not valid. | The redirect_uri is not the same as passed into get code. | 400 |
2007 | The code is not valid. | The code is not valid. | 401 |
2008 | invalid_request | invalid_request | 400 |
2009 | invalid_client | invalid_client | 401 |
2010 | invalid_grant | invalid_grant | 400 |
2011 | unauthorized_client | unauthorized_client | 403 |
2012 | unsupported_grant_type | unsupported_grant_type | 400 |
2013 | invalid_scope | invalid_scope | 400 |
2014 | redirect_uri_mismatch | Parameter redirect_uri does not match as provided in the authorization | 401 |
2015 | SAML request singing certificate doesn't match. | The service provider certificate doesn't match to SAML authentication request, Please check the configuration. | 401 |
2016 | The SAML Authenticate Request is not found | The SAML Authenticate Request is not found as a Default Request Binding Configuration. | 401 |
2016 | Some Issue with Perfectmind Rest API. | An error has occurred at the Perfectmind Rest API, please check the ‘ProviderErrorResponse’ for more details. | 401 |
2017 | The Hosted Plugin mapping fields are required. | The #Fields #HelpingVerb required parameter#Plural, Parameter#Plural value cannot be null or blank. | 400 |
2019 | The CustomObject#Plural #HelpingVerb not found. | The CustomObject#Plural #CustomObjectName #HelpingVerb not found. | 400 |