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SSO API Response Codes

This section details the LoginRadius SSO API codes and some suggestions on how to resolve them.

HTTP Error Response Structure:

"Description": {{String}},
"ErrorCode": {{Integer}},
"Message": {{String}},
"IsProviderError": {{Boolean}},
"ProviderErrorResponse": {{String or NULL}}

HTTP Response Descriptions:

HTTP CodeMessageDescription
200OKThe API was accessed successfully.
400Bad RequestVerify that the API endpoint you are accessing is correctly formatted and has all the required parameters.
401UnauthorizedVerify your LoginRadius API key and secret, also verify that your access token has not expired.
403ForbiddenVerify all parameters are correctly formatted and the API endpoint is correct.
404Not FoundThe API endpoint is not correct or your account does not have sufficient permissions to access this endpoint.
405Method not allowedVerify that you are accessing the API endpoint with the correct format (ie. Get or Post)
429Too Many RequestResponse status code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (i.e. rate limiting)
500Internal Server ErrorSomething has gone wrong with the processing of the request, check your server error logs and contact us if the error persists.

LoginRadius Error Response Descriptions:

Error CodeError MessageDescriptionHTTP Code
901The API key is unauthorized.The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API key or check the API key for your LoginRadius account.403
902The API Secret is unauthorized.The provided LoginRadius API Secret is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API Secret or check the API Secret for your LoginRadius account.403
908A parameter is not formatted correctly in the request, please check all the parameters in the API call.A parameter is not formatted correctly400
920API key is invalid.The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid, please use a valid API key of your LoginRadius account.400
921API secret is invalid.The provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid, please use a valid API secret of your LoginRadius account.400
922API key is missing.The request is missing the API key, please use the valid API key parameter in order to process this request.400
923API secret is missing.The request is missing the API secret, please use the valid API secret parameter in order to process this request.400
929Access token is missing from social ID provider.The ID Provider access token is required to generate the LoginRadius access token, please use the correct token in order to process this request.400
950The operation failed due to an unknown error.An unknown error has occurred, please try again in a few minutes or contact your system admin.403
965The post body is invalid.Please use a valid post body and make sure that it is in a valid JSON format.400
1000Oops, something is going wrong, please try again.Oops, something is going wrong, please try again.403
1038The email is not valid, please check your email again.The provided email ID is invalid or not well-formatted, a valid email ID is required in order to process this request.400
1060Access token is missing.This request is missing the access token, please use the valid access token parameter in order to process this request.400
1067Invalid OTP CodeThe OTP code is invalid, please request for a new OTP.403
1102The two-factor authenticator code is incorrectPlease enter the correct authenticator code.403
1109The emailid is a required parameter.This request could not be processed, The emailid must be specified in the request body.400
1128Two factor authentication backup code is not configuredThe two factor authentication backup code is not enabled, please enable or configure two factor authentication for login.403
1129Two factor authentication backup bode is not valid or has already been usedThe two factor authentication backup code is not valid or has already been used, please use a valid two factor authentication backup code for login.403
1178Hosted Plugin configuration not found.Hosted Plugin configuration not found or the resource does not exist.401
1179Password setting is not configured.The password setting is not configured for this site, Please configure your password settings.401
1180JWT configuration not valid.The JWT configuration is not valid, Please check the JWT configuration for your LoginRadius account.401
1182Some Issue with password validation API“Some Issue with password validation API” or error desc passed on from request to external service401
1183Form API configuration not found.The Form API configuration not found or the resource does not exist.401
1186Custom login API name is invalid.The provided Custom login API name is invalid, please provide a valid name.400
1187The Email address is a required parameter.The Email address is required, please use a valid email address in order to process this request.400
1188The Phone number is a required parameter.The Phone number is required, please use a valid phone number in order to process this request.400
1189The API name is a required parameter.The API name is required, please use a valid API name in order to process this request.400
1190This Social Provider Name is not Valid.This Social Provider Name is invalid or not supported by LoginRadius.403
1192The Hosted Plugin configuration not validThe Hosted Plugin configuration not valid, please check your configuration401
1193The store name is a required parameter.The store name is a required parameter, please use a valid store name in order to process this request.400
1194The API name is a required parameterThe API name is a required parameter, please use a valid API name in order to process this request.400
1195Bigcommerce API ErrorBigcommerce API error, please try again.401
1196The Jwt app name is a required parameterThe Jwt app name is a required parameter, please use a valid app name in order to process this request.400
1197The SAML configuration not validThe SAML configuration not valid, please check your configuration401
1198The password is not valid.Password is not valid, please check your password again.400
2000The phone is a required parameter.This request could not be processed, the phone must be specified in the request body.400
2001The email/phone is a required parameter.This request could not be processed because the email/phone must be specified in the request body.400
2002The user does not exist on customer's server.The user does not exist on the customer's server.403
2003The user claim is not valid.The provided SAML attributes are invalid, please use a valid SAML attributes in the configuration.401
2004The Assertion Consumer Service Location is required.The Assertion Consumer Service Location is required in SAML configuration.401
2005The code is expired.The code is expired, please try again.401
2006The redirect_uri is not valid.The redirect_uri is not the same as passed into get code.400
2007The code is not valid.The code is not valid.401
2014redirect_uri_mismatchParameter redirect_uri does not match as provided in the authorization401
2015SAML request singing certificate doesn't match.The service provider certificate doesn't match to SAML authentication request, Please check the configuration.401
2016The SAML Authenticate Request is not foundThe SAML Authenticate Request is not found as a Default Request Binding Configuration.401
2016Some Issue with Perfectmind Rest API.An error has occurred at the Perfectmind Rest API, please check the ‘ProviderErrorResponse’ for more details.401
2017The Hosted Plugin mapping fields are required.The #Fields #HelpingVerb required parameter#Plural, Parameter#Plural value cannot be null or blank.400
2019The CustomObject#Plural #HelpingVerb not found.The CustomObject#Plural #CustomObjectName #HelpingVerb not found.400

OpenID Connect error messages:

Error MessageError Description
invalid_requestThe redirect_uri is a required parameter
invalid_requestThe redirect_uri is not valid, check redirect_uri parameter again
invalid_requestThe response_type is a required parameter
invalid_requestThe response_type must contains valid value
invalid_requestThe state is a required parameter
invalid_requestThe scope is a required parameter
request_not_supportedopenid must exist in the scope parameter
invalid_requestThe response_mode is not valid
invalid_requestThe display is not valid
invalid_requestThe prompt is not valid
invalid_requestThe claims is not valid
invalid_requestThe max_age is not valid
invalid_requestThe acr_values is not valid
invalid_requestThe client_secret is a required parameter
invalid_clientThe client_id is not valid, check your client_id again
unsupported_grant_typeThe grant_type is not valid, check grant_type parameter again
unauthorized_clientThe client_secret is not valid, check your client_secret again
invalid_requestThe code is a required parameter
invalid_requestThe refresh_token is a required parameter
invalid_requestThe access_token is a required parameter
unauthorized_clientOpenid configuration not found
login_requiredUser need to re-authenticate
unauthorized_clientThe Openid configuration is not valid
login_requirednon-matching login_hint value
invalid_grantThe code is not valid
invalid_grantThe code has been expired
invalid_grantThe code is already used
invalid_grantThe code is invalid or expired
invalid_grantThe refresh_token is not valid
invalid_grantThe access_token is invalid or expired
unauthorized_clientoops something is going wrong, please try again