Alipay is a popular Chinese third-party mobile and online payment platform. Alipay users use Alipay identity to log in to the merchant application securely, and the merchant can obtain basic open information (user ID, user avatar, nickname, gender, province, city, etc.) of Alipay users, and provide corresponding open services.
AliPay Provider Guide
This guide will take you through the process to set up and implement AliPay. It covers everything you need to know on how to configure AliPay as a Social Login Provider with LoginRadius and deploy it onto your web application.
Part 1- AliPay App Configuration
This section provides the information regarding AliPay account creation and verification; it also includes ID and bank details verification that you need to perform on AliPay’s official site.
AliPay account creation
This section explains how you can create an account on AliPay:
Step 1: If you already have created an account then make sure you have a verified AliPay account.
Step 2: To create a new account, you will need to configure the AliPay Login App on your computer. .
Step 3: Click the Registration link as highlighted in the above screen.
Step 4: Select your desired country in the Country/Region field.
Step 5: Enter your mobile phone number in the Phone Number field.
Step 6: Click the Get verification code button to get a verification code in a text message on your phone.
Step 7: Enter the SMS code you received on your phone in the SMS verification Code field.
Step 8: Click the Next button to proceed.
Configuring ID details
This section explains how you can configure ID details while creating an AliPay account:
Step1: Enter your password in the Login password field. Use numeric characters (0-9), special characters (e.g.!@#$%), upper case (A-Z) and lower case(a-z) letters.
Step 2: Enter the payment password in the Payment password field. Use only 6 numeric characters (0-9).
Step 3: Select the Security question and enter its answer in Security Answer field which will help to retrieve the password in case you forget it.
Step 4: In Your Identity enter your personal information: First Name, Last Name, Gender.
Step 5: In Certificate, Type select your ID type e.g. your driving license ID, your passport ID, etc.
Step 6: In the ID Number field, enter your ID number.
Step 7: In the Validity field, enter the expiration date of the document specified in the above field.
Step 8: In the Occupation field, enter the type of your occupation.
Step 9: In the Address in China field, enter your home address of China if you are from China, else select the Overseas option.
Step 10: Enter your home address in the field.
Step 11: Now click on the Submit button.
The following screen will display the complete ID detail form:
AliPay Verification
This section explains how to verify your AliPay account:
Step 1: After registration, login into your account from
The following screen will appear:
Step 2: Once you are logged in, you need to verify your Alipay account from
The following screen will appear:
Bank details configuration
This section explains how to add your Bank details:
Step 1: In the Bank card number field, enter your bank card number (16 digits number on the front-side of your card).
Step 2: In the Cardholder's Name field, enter the name specified on your card.
Step 3: In the Credentials select ID type and specify your ID number in this field.
Step 4: In the Cellphone number field, enter your mobile phone number.
Step 5: Press the Next button to proceed.
The following screen displays the form:
AliPay Application
This section explains how you can create an AliPay login application. Go to this page: and follow the below steps:
Step 1: Select the Create Application button to create the AliPay Application.
Step 2: Select the Web or Mobile Application development option as per your requirement to create your AliPay application.
Step 3: Fill in the name of the application. After submitting the form a new page will open where it will show the awaiting time of your application approval (it can take up to a few days).
Step 4: Once your application got approved, go to the Function information page, and find the Quick Login option here, click on the Subscribe button.
Part 2- Configuration in LoginRadius Admin Console
This section covers the required configurations that you need to perform in the LoginRadius Admin Console to implement the AliPay as an OAuth Provider.
Step 1: Log in to your **LoginRadius Admin Console and navigate to Authentication > Custom IDP.
The following screen will appear:
Step 2: To configure the details in the Admin Console, click on the Add A New Provider button shown in the below screen.
Step 3: In the Provider Name field, enter the unique name of the OAuth provider as shown in the below screen.
Step 4: In the Extra Parameter In Redirect To Provider (Optional) field, enter the extra options (if any) supported by the AliPay apart from the default options.
Step 5: In the Customer Login Endpoint field, enter
Step 6: In the Access Token Endpoint field, enter
Step 7: In the Application Key field, enter Your AliPay API Key.
Step 8: In the Application Secret field, enter : Your AliPay Secret.
Note: You can get more details about how to get AliPay’s API Key and Secret refer here.
Step 9: In the Response Type field, enter “code”.
Step 10: In the Request Token HTTP Method field, enter the HTTP method of Request Token “GET”.
Step 11: In the Access Token Parameter Name For Api Access field, enter ”applyToken”.
Step 12: Header (optional) can be used for those providers, which pass the Access Token in the header. Enter the Provider’s header name in Key and add any of the LoginRadius value from the following in the Value field:
- #accesstoken#
- #idtoken#
- #oauthsignature#
Step 13: Pass the Query params (optional) from AliPay Provider in key and value pairs (if the AliPay supports query params).
Step 14: Data Mapping - Enter field mappings between AliPay fields and LoginRadiu user profile properties.
- Select Field(Dropdown): Select the LoginRadius field name which you want to map with respective Doximity field.
- The profile Key: Enter the Doximity field name corresponding to the LoginRadius field name.
You can also map more fields (as per your requirements) by clicking on the Add Row button.
- The LoginRadius ‘ID’ field is the unique identifier for each profile attached to a LoginRadius customer account. Refer to the LoginRadius Data structure document for more details. The mapping of the LoginRadius 'ID' field (Loginradius field) is required for the OAuth Provider. A user will not be able to register/login if the value is missing for this mapping in the OAuth Provider.
- To make this social login work, you need to map the only field that is the LoginRadius ID field to the AliPay unionid field (it’s mandatory).
Step 15: Now, click on the ADD button to add and save settings.
Part 3- Custom AliPay Social Login Icon Configuration
For this step, we highly recommend you to familiarize yourself with customizing your social provider icons here. OOnce you're ready to have the AliPay Social Login icon displayed on your website, you will need to add it via code.
Refer to our general all-purpose document on setting up a Custom OAuth Provider Icon for this step here. Once this is complete, you should have AliPay available as a social icon.