Organizations Configuration
Organizations Configuration allows businesses to manage multiple organizations, set up and integrate custom Identity Providers (IDPs), and enable Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning. By leveraging this functionality, developers can integrate and automate organizational management, enabling seamless authentication and provisioning workflows that drive operational efficiency and security compliance.
Configuration Guide
To learn more about configuring an organization, inviting and adding users, or assigning specific roles, refer to the details below.
Accessing the Admin Console
- Log in to the Admin Console.
- Navigate to the Organization tab in the left sidebar.
- The Organization dashboard displays all existing organizations' details like Organization name, ID, SSO status, and creation date.
Creating an Organization
- Click the Create Organization button.
- Enter the organization details:
- Organization Name: A unique name for identifying the organization.
- Domain: Configure multiple domains to set up Custom IDP and enable Just-in-Time (JIT) membership for users whose email addresses match the specified domains.
- Click Save to create the organization. A unique Org ID will be generated upon creation and can be used to access the organization at the API level.
- The organization appears in the Organization List for further configuration.
Managing Organization Details
- Select an organization from the list.
- Modify organization settings such as name, domain, and status.
- Click Save Changes to update the organization.
- Organizations can be deactivated to restrict access without deleting data. When an organization is deactivated, all end users will lose access until it is reactivated.
- To delete an organization permanently, click Delete Organization (This action cannot be undone).
Viewing and Searching Organizations
- Use the search bar to locate organizations by name.
- Click on an organization to view its associated users, authentication settings, and roles.
Managing Users in an Organization
Managing users within an organization ensures proper access control and role assignment. Admins can add users, invite new members, assign roles, and remove users as needed. This helps in structuring access based on responsibilities while maintaining security and compliance. Below are the steps to manage users effectively.
- Adding Users
- Inviting Users
- Assigning Roles to Users
- Removing Users
- Navigate to the Users tab within the organization.
- Click on the All Users tab to see the list of available users within the organization.
- Click on Add User to initiate adding a new user.
- Select the user’s email address and assign a specific role from the drop-down menu.
📌Note: The new user must first be part of the tenant users before they can be added to the organization using the Add User functionality.
- Go to the Users tab in the organization.
- Click on the Invited Users tab to see the list of invited users within the organization.
- Click on Invite Users to send email invitations to new users.
- Fill in the required details, like the user's email address, select the Invitation URL, and assign a role from the drop-down menu.
- Users will appear on the list once they accept the invitation.
- Select a user from the list.
- The roles dropdown displays a list of all roles created within the tenant and the organization's custom roles. Multiple roles can be assigned simultaneously.
- Click Save to update user permissions.
📌Note: Different roles granted varied permissions, ensuring controlled access.
- Navigate to the Users tab.
- Click the Actions button next to a user.
- Select Remove User to revoke access.
📌Note: This user will no longer have access to organization resources.
Configuring Roles in an Organization
Roles define the level of access users have within an organization. Configuring roles ensures appropriate access control and security within the system.
- Creating a Role
- Assigning Roles to Users
- Deleting Roles
- Navigate to the Roles tab inside an organization.
- Click Create Role.
- Enter the Role Name and Description.
- Permissions can only be created at the tenant level. If no permissions are made, you should create relevant permissions under Customer >> Roles and Permissions.
- Click Save to create the role.
📌Note: When a new user joins via Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning, a default role will automatically be assigned to them. It's important to note that a maximum of one role can be set as the default role for any user.
- Go to the Users tab.
- Select a user and click Edit Role.
- Choose the appropriate role from the dropdown.
- Click Save to apply the changes.
- Navigate to the Roles tab.
- Click the Actions button next to the role.
- Select Delete Role
📌Note: If a role is assigned to users, it must be reassigned before deletion.