901 | The API key is unauthorized | The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API key or check the API key for your LoginRadius account. | 403 |
902 | The API Secret is unauthorized | The provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid LoginRadius API secret or check the API secret for your LoginRadius account. | 403 |
908 | A parameter is not formatted correctly | Verify that the datatypes for all of the parameters and parameters are correct when making the API call. (Note: description dynamically varies on missing parmas also) | 400 |
913 | The date range is not specified | The end date is missing in the request, please check the end date parameter. | Not in Use |
914 | The date range is not specified | The start date is missing in the request, please check the end date parameter. | Not in Use |
918 | The query is invalid | The query is not correct, please review the query and send the correct parameters. | 400 |
919 | The query format is not valid | The format of the query is not valid, query should be an object. | 400 |
920 | API key is invalid | The provided LoginRadius API key is invalid, please use a valid API key of your LoginRadius account. | 400 |
921 | API secret is invalid | The provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid, please use a valid API secret of your LoginRadius account. | 400 |
922 | API key is missing | The request is missing the API key, please use the valid API key parameter in order to process this request. | Not in Use |
923 | API secret is missing | The request is missing the API secret, please use the valid API secret parameter in order to process this request. | Not in Use |
925 | The date range has an invalid format | The From date has an invalid format, please use a valid ISO_8601 date format. | 400 |
926 | The date range has an invalid format | The To date has an invalid format, please use a valid ISO_8601 date format. | 400 |
927 | The date range is invalid | The From data is greater than or equal to the To date, please pass correct From & To dates. | 400 |
928 | The date range is missing | From & To dates are required parameters. please pass correct From & To dates. | 400 |
999 | Site is not configured for custom object | The custom object is not configured for this site, Please contact LoginRadius support for more information. | Not in Use |
1000 | Oops, something is going wrong. please try again | Oops, something is going wrong. please try again. | 403 |
1003 | Schema is not set for the passed Custom Object | The Custom Object schema is not set in Admin Console. Schema should be set to query Custom Object. Please contact LoginRadius Support. | 400 |
1036 | The Custom Object name is required | The Custom Object name is required, please pass a Custom Object name. | 400 |
1042 | Pass a valid next param | The next param passed expired. Please start with a POST request again. | 403 |
1043 | Pass a valid next param | The next param is missing. Please start with a POST request to get next value. | 403 |
1064 | Custom object name is invalid | The custom object name used in this request is incorrect or does not exist. | 400 |
1067 | Invalid OTP Code | The OTP code is invalid, please request for a new OTP. | 403 |
1102 | The two-factor authenticator code is incorrect | Please enter the correct authenticator code. | 403 |
1128 | Two factor authentication backup code is not configured | The two factor authentication backup code is not enabled, please enable or configure two factor authentication for login. | 403 |
1129 | Two factor authentication backup bode is not valid or has already been used | The two factor authentication backup code is not valid or has already been used, please use a valid two factor authentication backup code for login. | 403 |