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Cloud Directory API Codes

This section details the LoginRadius Cloud Directory API codes and some suggestions on how to resolve them.

HTTP Error Response Structure:

"Description": {{String}},
"ErrorCode": {{Integer}},
"Message": {{String}},
"IsProviderError": {{Boolean}},
"ProviderErrorResponse": {{String or NULL}}

HTTP Response Descriptions:

HTTP CodeMessageDescription
200OKThe API was accessed successfully.
400Bad RequestVerify that the API endpoint you are accessing is correctly formatted and has all the required parameters.
401UnauthorizedVerify your LoginRadius API key and secret, also verify that your access token has not expired.
403ForbiddenVerify all parameters are correctly formatted and the API endpoint is correct.
404Not FoundThe API endpoint is not correct or your account does not have sufficient permissions to access this endpoint.
405Method not allowedVerify that you are accessing the API endpoint with the correct format (ie. Get or Post)
429Too Many RequestResponse status code indicates the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (i.e. rate limiting)
500Internal Server ErrorSomething has gone wrong with the processing of the request, check your server error logs and contact us if the error persists.

LoginRadius Error Response Descriptions:

Error CodeError MessageDescriptionHTTP Code
901The API key is unauthorizedThe provided LoginRadius API key is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid or authorized LoginRadius API key or check the API key for your LoginRadius account.403
902The API Secret is unauthorizedThe provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid or is not authorized, please use a valid LoginRadius API secret or check the API secret for your LoginRadius account.403
908A parameter is not formatted correctlyVerify that the datatypes for all of the parameters and parameters are correct when making the API call. (Note: description dynamically varies on missing parmas also)400
913The date range is not specifiedThe end date is missing in the request, please check the end date parameter.Not in Use
914The date range is not specifiedThe start date is missing in the request, please check the end date parameter.Not in Use
918The query is invalidThe query is not correct, please review the query and send the correct parameters.400
919The query format is not validThe format of the query is not valid, query should be an object.400
920API key is invalidThe provided LoginRadius API key is invalid, please use a valid API key of your LoginRadius account.400
921API secret is invalidThe provided LoginRadius API secret is invalid, please use a valid API secret of your LoginRadius account.400
922API key is missingThe request is missing the API key, please use the valid API key parameter in order to process this request.Not in Use
923API secret is missingThe request is missing the API secret, please use the valid API secret parameter in order to process this request.Not in Use
925The date range has an invalid formatThe From date has an invalid format, please use a valid ISO_8601 date format.400
926The date range has an invalid formatThe To date has an invalid format, please use a valid ISO_8601 date format.400
927The date range is invalidThe From data is greater than or equal to the To date, please pass correct From & To dates.400
928The date range is missingFrom & To dates are required parameters. please pass correct From & To dates.400
999Site is not configured for custom objectThe custom object is not configured for this site, Please contact LoginRadius support for more information.Not in Use
1000Oops, something is going wrong. please try againOops, something is going wrong. please try again.403
1003Schema is not set for the passed Custom ObjectThe Custom Object schema is not set in Admin Console. Schema should be set to query Custom Object. Please contact LoginRadius Support.400
1036The Custom Object name is requiredThe Custom Object name is required, please pass a Custom Object name.400
1042Pass a valid next paramThe next param passed expired. Please start with a POST request again.403
1043Pass a valid next paramThe next param is missing. Please start with a POST request to get next value.403
1064Custom object name is invalidThe custom object name used in this request is incorrect or does not exist.400
1067Invalid OTP CodeThe OTP code is invalid, please request for a new OTP.403
1102The two-factor authenticator code is incorrectPlease enter the correct authenticator code.403
1128Two factor authentication backup code is not configuredThe two factor authentication backup code is not enabled, please enable or configure two factor authentication for login.403
1129Two factor authentication backup bode is not valid or has already been usedThe two factor authentication backup code is not valid or has already been used, please use a valid two factor authentication backup code for login.403