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Team Audit Logs

The Audit Logs help you check and keep track of the activity occurring in your LoginRadius environment. The monitored activity includes what types of changes have been made on which date and by whom.

Note: These team audit logs are retained for 90 days only. So this section will only contain logs of the past 90 day’s activities.

Follow the following steps on how to access Audit Logs section:

1. Log in to the LoginRadius Admin Console.

2. Navigate to the Tenant -> Audit section to see the latest logs of user's activity

Note: By default, the Account Owner, Administrators and Managers have access to this section. For more details, refer to the Team Managment document.

3. You will see the different actions taken (Activity Type) within the LoginRadius Admin Console by each of your Team Members (User), including the time of occurrence (Time Stamp).

4. If you have more than one LoginRadius tenant, choose the tenant you would like to review from the drop-down on the top.

Audit Logs Detailed View

Below are the logs (Activity Type) that will be generated in accordance with team members’ actions which are done in the Admin console respectively.

Platform Configuration Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
Case-Sensitive UsernameUpdated Basic Configuration
Social login via ping APIUpdated Site Features
Email VerificationUpdated Site Features
OTP Email VerificationUpdated Site Features
Email ConfigurationConfigured SMTP Settings
Global Email SettingsUpdate Global Email Settings
SMS ConfigurationConfigured SMS Provider Settings
Global SMS SettingsUpdate Global SMS Settings
If the Email Setting has been updated for the individual Email template.Updated User Registration Email Settings
If the SMS Setting has been updated for the individual Sms template.Updated User Registration SMS Settings
Data SchemaUpdate Optional Captcha ConfigurationUpdated Basic ConfigurationUpdated Registration Form Schema
Edit/Reset Default Email TemplateUpdated '' Email Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom Email TemplateAdded <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> Email Template
Phone Login (OTP Settings)1. Configured SMS Provider Settings2. Updated Site Features
Edit/Reset Default SMS TemplateUpdated '' SMS Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom SMS TemplateAdded <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> SMS Template
Edit/Reset Default Email Template of Passwordless Login with EmailUpdated '' Email Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom Email Template of Passwordless Login with EmailAdded <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> Email Template
Edit/Reset Default SMS Template of Passwordless Login with OTPUpdated '' SMS Template
SOCIAL PROVIDERSUpdated Social Provider Configuration
If any Custom IDPs app was updated, deleted, or configured.1. <Provider> Service Provider app name <Name of an APP> was updated.2. <Provider> Service Provider app name <Name of an APP> was removed.3. <Provider>Service Provider app name <Name of an APP> was configured
If any Federated SSO app was updated, deleted, or configured.1. <Federated SSO method> app name <App name> was updated.2. <Federated SSO method> app name <App name> was removed.3. <Federated SSO method> app name <App name> was configured
If any SSO Connector was updated, deleted, or configured.1. <SSO Connector method> app name <App name> was configured.2. <SSO Connector method> app name <App name> was updated.3. <SSO Connector method> app name <App name> was removed.

Platform Security Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
Configure Google reCAPTCHAUpdated Google reCAPTCHA Configuration
Configure QQ reCAPTCHAUpdated Tencent Captcha Configuration
Update Registration RestrictionUpdated Access Restriction Configuration
Remove Registration RestrictionUpdated Basic Configuration
Configure Brute Force LockoutUpdated Basic Configuration
Set Password ExpirationUpdated Password Expiration Settings
Enable/Set/Disable Max Password HistoryUpdated Site FeaturesUpdated Basic Configuration
Configure Password ComplexityUpdated Basic Configuration
Update Token LifetimeUpdated Site Features
Enable/Disable Force LogoutUpdated Site Features
Enable/Set/Disable Remember MeUpdated Basic Configuration
Add a Security QuestionAdded a Security Question
Update No. of Security Questions and Attempt LimitUpdated Security Question Render LimitUpdated Basic Configuration
Edit a Security QuestionUpdated a Security Question
Remove a Security QuestionRemoved a Security Question
Configure RBA Settings,Multi factor Settings orAdmin EmailUpdated Risk Based Auth Settings
Edit/Reset Default Email Template (RBA)Updated '' Email Template
Edit/Reset Default SMS Template (RBA)Updated '' SMS Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom Email Template (RBA)Added <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> Email Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom SMS Template (RBA)Added <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> SMS Template
Suspicious Email Setting (RBA)Updated User Registration Email Settings
Suspicious SMS Setting (RBA)Updated User Registration SMS Settings
Enable/Disable PIN AuthenticationUpdated Couldn't evaluate the activity
Edit/Reset Default Email Templates (PIN Authentication)Updated '' Email Template
Edit/Reset Default SMS Templates (PIN Authentication)Updated '' SMS Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom Email Template (PIN Authentication)Added <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> Email Template
Add/Update/Delete Custom SMS Template (PIN Authentication)Added <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> SMS Template
Forgot PIN with Email Setting (PIN Authentication)Updated User Registration Email Settings
Forgot PIN with SMS Setting (PIN Authentication)Updated User Registration SMS Settings
Reset Primary SecretReset Primary Secret
Add/Remove Additional API Secret(s)Added a Secondary SecretRemoved a Secondary Secret
Enable MFAUpdated Multi-Factor Auth Settings
Email Passcode Settings(MFA)Updated User Registration Email Settings
Email Passcode template default edit/update and new template Added/Update/DeleteUpdated '' Email TemplateAdded <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> Email TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> Email Template
SMS Passcode Settings(MFA)Updated User Registration SMS Settings
SMS Passcode template default edit/update and new template added/update/deletedUpdated '' SMS TemplateAdded <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateUpdated <TEMPLATE ID> SMS TemplateRemoved <TEMPLATE ID> SMS Template.
Google Authenticator(MFA)(Enable/Disable)Configured Multi-Factor Auth Google Authenticator Settings
Security Questions(MFA)(Enable/Disable)Configured Multi-Factor Auth Security Question Settings
Bot Protection (Emable/Disable)Update Optional Captcha Configuration
IP Access Restriction(Enable/Disable)Updated Site Features
IP Access Restriction settingsUpdated IP Access Control Settings

Data Governance Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
Data Center"Changed Data Storage Region"
Create Custom ObjectCreated 'xyz' Custom Object
Update Custom ObjectUpdated 'xyz' Custom Object Schema
Delete Custom ObjectDeleted 'xyz' Custom Object
Privacy Versioning settings(Enable/Disbale)Updated Privacy Policy Settings
Adding new Privacy versionConfigured <version no.> Privacy Policy
Age VerificationUpdated Basic Configuration
Consent Management AddedConfigured Consent Management
Consent Management RemovedRemoved Consent Management Configuration

Deployment Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
Web AppsUpdated <LoginRadius Site Name>` site Configuration
Generate a new Mobile Apps (SOTT)Generated SOTT
Delete a SOTTRevoked SOTT
Create a Custom DomainCreated Custom Domain Request
Delete a Custom DomainRemoved Custom Domain Request
Update Progressive ProfilingConfigured 'Profile' Progressive Profiling
Delete Progressive ProfilingDeleted ‘Profile’ Progressive Profiling
Identity Experience Framework/Theme/CustomizeUpdated Hosted Registration 'Profile' Page Configuration
Identity Experience Framework/Theme/Customize/SAVEUpdated Hosted Registration 'Auth' Page Configuration
Identity Experience Framework/Theme/Custom jsAdded Hosted Registration 'Auth' Page Custom Resource
Identity Experience Framework/JS WidgetsUpdated basic configuration
Data MigrationAdded ‘LR Site Name' Bulk Data Operation Record

Integration Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
WebHook AddedWebHook app name <NAME> was configured
WebHook DeletedWebHook app name <NAME> was removed
Added Data Export RequestCreated Data Export Request
Deleted Data Export RequestRemoved Data Export Request
Added Scheduled Data Export RequestCreated Data Export Request
Deleted Scheduled Data Export RequestRemoved Data Export Request

Team Management Audit Logs

DescriptionLogs statement
Team Member AddedAdded Team Member - [email protected]
Team Member RemovedRemoved Team Member - [email protected]
Ownership transferedAccount Ownership Transferred to '[email protected]'