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Okta Integration with Admin Console

LoginRadius allows your team members to log in to LoginRadius Admin Console using the Okta account. You can create a Single Sign-On (SSO) workflow between the Okta application and LoginRadius Admin Console using the federated SAML protocol.

Configuring SAML settings in the Okta application

You can use the Okta Admin Console and the Application Integration Wizard (AIW) to create your SSO integration inside the Okta organization associated with your account.

  1. Sign in to your Okta Admin Console with administrative privileges.

  2. In the Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications.

  3. Click Create App Integration.

  4. Select SAML 2.0 in the Sign-in method section.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the General Settings tab, enter a name for your integration and optionally upload a logo. You can also choose to hide the integration from your end-user's Okta dashboard or mobile app. Click Next.

  7. In the Single sign on URL field, enter (LoginRadius Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL).

  8. Enter in the Audience URI (SP Entity ID) field.

  9. Enter in the Default RelayState field.

  10. Choose the Name ID format and Application username that must be sent to your application in the SAML response (for example, EmailAddress and Email) or leave the defaults.

    Okta Configurations

  11. For SPinitiated SAML workflow, click on Advanced Settings in the Okta account and complete the Advanced Settings screen with the following (this step is only required for SPinitiated SAML workflow)

    Okta Config

  12. In the Attribute Statements (optional) section, enter the SAML attributes to be shared with your application.

    Note: The value of key and the name field on the OKTA Should be same. If not, it will not return the value.

For example:

Name IDKey value

13. Leave Group Attribute Statements (optional) blank

Okta Configurations

Configuring LoginRadius Admin Console

  1. Log in to your LoginRadius Admin Console.

  2. Navigate to your team management section in LoginRadius Admin Console from here.

  3. Click on SAML under the Single Sign-On tab.

  4. Fill in the below form as:

    • Select any flow (Service Provider Initiated Login or Identity Provider Initiated Login) from Login Flow.

    • Enter urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST in the ID Provider Binding field.

    • In ID Provider Location enter the Identity Provider Login URL which you will get from the Okta dashboard or metadata file.

    • In ID Provider Logout URL, enter the Identity Provider Login URL value which you will get from the Okta dashboard or metadata file, e.g., https://<companyname>

    • ID Provider Certificate: enter the Okta SAML certificate value.


      Note: Certificate and Key can be generated using online tools, with Bits and Digest Algorithm 2056, SHA256 respectively.The certificate and key should be entered with the header/footer as mentioned below:


    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----


    -----BEGIN RSA KEY----- 
    -----END RSA KEY-----
    • For DATA MAPPING select the LoginRadius' fields (SP fields) and enter the corresponding Okta fields, e.g.

      Note: The value of the key and the name field on the OKTA Should be the same. If not it will not return the value

FieldsProfile Key
  • Once all the required fields are completed, scroll down and hit "Update".

NOTE: You should have an account with the same email address in your SAML application as well as in LoginRadius before using your SAML application to login to the LoginRadius Admin Console.

Login using OKTA SSO

NOTE: LoginRadius leverages the values saved in the cookies at the time of SAML initiation, hence, you need to initiate login from the LR Admin Console using the steps below.

  1. Open in your browser and click Fed SSO Log in.

    Fed SSO Log in

  2. Enter your LoginRadius App Name and click Log In.

    App Name & Login

  3. A pop-up will be displayed asking for Okta credentials.

    Okta Credentials

  4. After authentication, the pop-up will be closed and you will be logged into the LoginRadius Admin Console.