
High-level API library for Single Sign On with SAML 2.0 based on etree and signedxml, a pure Go implementation. The library provides the Identity Provider Implementation with support of both IDPInitiated and SPInitiated flow.


  • Generating identity provider metadata
  • Validating Redirect/Post Binding signed/unsigned AuthnRequests
  • Generating Post signed Responses
  • Validating Redirect/Post Binding signed/unsigned LogoutRequest
  • Generating Post signed LogoutResponses
  • SessionIndex


Install go-saml into your $GOPATH using go get:

go get github.com/LoginRadius/go-saml


Below are samples to show how you might use the library.

Create Idp Provider Instance
idp := saml.IdentityProvider{
IsIdpInitiated: false,
Issuer: "https://identity-provider.com/",
Audiences: "https://service-provider.com/",
IDPCert: "<IDPCert PEM Format>",
IDPKey: "<IDPKey PEM Format>",
SPCert: "<SPCert PEM Format>",
NameIdentifier: "[email protected]",
NameIdentifierFormat: saml.AttributeFormatUnspecified,
ACSLocation: "https://service-provider-acs.com", //Service Provider Login Url
ACSBinging: saml.HTTPPostBinding,
SessionIndex: "1ac5bc03-06a1-413d-8542-e7a7e7d9e9f2",
LogoutUrl: "https://service-provider-acs.com/logout" //Service Provider Logout Url
//Add Attributes
idp.AddAttribute("Fname", "john", saml.AttributeFormatUnspecified)
Validate and Parse AuthnRequest
//This validate the AuthnRequest and set parsed value in the idp instance,
//that used in Generating the SAML Response with InResponseTo property.
//Get Querystring and Payload values from request with url.Value{} type
validationError := idp.ValidateAuthnRequest(method"POST",query url.Values,payload url.Values);
if validationError !=nil {
return validationError
Generate Login Response
signedXML, signedXMLErr := idp.NewSignedLoginResponse()
if signedXMLErr != nil {
return signedXMLErr
//Generate html content for Post
html, err := idp.ResponseHtml(signedXML, "Response")
if err !=nil {
return err
Validate and Parse Logout Request
//This validate the AuthnRequest and set parsed value in the idp instance,
//that is used in Generating the SAML Logout Response with InResponseTo property
//Get Querystring and Payload values from request with url.Value{} type
validationError := idp.ValidateLogoutRequest(method"POST",query url.Values,payload url.Values);
if validationError !=nil {
return validationError
Generate Logout Response
signedXML, signedXMLErr := idp.NewSignedLoginResponse()
if signedXMLErr != nil {
return signedXMLErr
//Generate html content for Post
html, err := idp.ResponseHtml(signedXML, "LogoutResponse")
if err !=nil {
return err
Metadata Identity Provider
idp := saml.IdentityProvider{
Issuer: "https://identity-provider.com/",
Audiences: "https://service-provider.com/",
IDPCert: "<IDPCert PEM Format>",
NameIdentifierFormat: saml.AttributeFormatUnspecified,
Binding: saml.HTTPPostBinding,
Location: "https://identity-provider.com/saml/post",
Binding: saml.HTTPRedirectBinding,
Location: "https://identity-provider.com/saml/redirect",
Binding: saml.HTTPPostBinding,
Location: "https://identity-provider.com/saml/post/logout",
// Generate xml for IDP Metadata
xml, xmlerr := idp.MetaDataResponse()

Please see examples for how to use the library to be an identity provider.


Would love any contribution by you, including better documentation, tests or more robust functionality. Please follow the contributing guide
