We always keep up with ID provider's API changes and update our API and connectors (SDK and Plugins). This section describe all the updates with our product and company. Any question, please send us email.


Cloud Directory Release 5.10.2

Nov 2019

Here’s comes another Cloud Directory Release, this time we’re introducing new changes that will improve the experience of using the Identity APIs. ADDED Detailed Error Messages: We have added more details in some of the error messages being returned, for the complete list of error messages please visit our Cloud Directory API Codes Doc. User […]

New CDN-based versioning process for LoginRadiusV2.js

Nov 2019

As per the existing process, the latest version of LoginRadiusV2.js resides at the following URL: https://auth.lrcontent.com/v2/js/LoginRadiusV2.js For every LoginRadiusV2.js release, the changes are published at the URL above. Hence, if you are using the LoginRadiusV2.js directly from this URL, you will automatically be updated to the latest version. However, if you do not want to […]

LoginRadius Core Release V27.0.0

Aug 2019

We are excited to announce our new core release! This new core release brings new PIN Authentication features that offer completely new workflows. ADDED PIN Authentication: We’re introducing a whole new workflow for PIN Authentication, with PIN Authentication your customers can authenticate by providing a PIN Code. PIN Re-Authentication: We are also introducing PIN Re-Authentication, […]

New LoginRadius V2 OpenID APIs

Jul 2019

We’ve completely revamped our OpenID Connect 1.0 APIs with new endpoints that will give you more capabilities as per the OpenID Spec. Please see below for a shortlist of some of the new capabilities you’ll find in our OpenID APIs, for a more comprehensive list please refer to our OpenID Overview document. ADDED Multiple OpenID Apps: […]

JS Release 3.6.0

Jul 2019

This JavaScript Release added Anonymous Login feature to LoginRadius V2 JavaScript and made some other minor improvements. ADDED New Anonymous login features have been added to the LoginRadius V2 JavaScript. IMPROVED Two new validation rules ‘alphanumeric_combo’ and ‘alpha_numeric_dash_combo’ have been added to the LoginRadius default validation rules for validating strings that consist of alphabets and […]

Cloud Directory Release 5.9.0

Jun 2019

With this Cloud Directory Release, we are introducing a whole new set of APIs for our Anonymous Login feature. To learn more, check out our Anonymous Login Overview. ADDED Get Anonymous User Identity: Query the profile for the Anonymous User in your LoginRadius Cloud Directory. Get Anonymous User Identity by Pagination ID: Allows you paginate […]

Admin Console release 22.4

Jun 2019

It’s time for an Admin Console update! In our new version 22.4, the Admin Console is restructured to make it more intuitive and easy-to-use! You will find most of these changes in the Platform Configuration, Platform Security and Deployment tab. Please see our updated Support and API docs through this transition. Here are the details: […]

JS Release 3.2.0

May 2019

This new JavaScript Release handles Idempotent API requests. ADDED Added support for Idempotent requests: We have added a new JavaScript option ‘disableButtonOnsubmit’ that can be added to your JavaScript to handle Idempotent requests. IMPROVED Changed JSONP call for Passwordless login to AJAX call for better performance FIXED Resolved the console error that was displayed when using the […]

JavaScript Interface 3.1.4

Apr 2019

This new JavaScript Release introduces the ‘preventVerification’ option along with an important improvement to the “Add New Email” process. Added: Prevent Email Verification: We have added a new JavaScript option ‘preventVerification‘ that can be added to your JavaScript options, to disable the verification email from being sent. Note: This only works if you have email […]

LoginRadius Admin Console Release 22.1

Mar 2019

This release of the Admin Console focused on the UX (user experience), please see below for details on some of the more notable changes applied to the different Admin Console sections. ADDED Customer Segmentation: Ability to segment customers using the ExternalIds field in the Customer Segmentation has been added. Customer Segmentation: Sorting Segmentation fields in […]