New Enhancements to Social Login API
LoginRadius has made a number of updates to the Social Login API as listed below:
Additional data points for Vkontakte
The user profile fields for employment history and website information for the Vkontakte social provider are now available through LoginRadius API
Refresh access token API
We have improved the refresh token API so that the expiration time for LoginRadius’ access token matches the expiration time of the ID provider’s access token (such as Twitter or Facebook)
Foursquare API update
We have updated the Foursquare API to their latest version 20150101
Twitter profile image
The Twitter API has been updated to get the original sized profile image and banner from the user’s profile
Multiple Social Login interfaces on one page
You can now add multiple Social Login interfaces on the same page. The documentation for this feature can be found at Multiple Social Login Interfaces On Same Page Documentation