New Enhancements to Customer Registration Service API
Dec 2015

Updates include resending the verification email and validating/invalidating the LoginRadius token

Resend email for verification

This new feature can be used to resend a link to the user’s email asking them to verify their email address and complete the registration process, in case the user didn’t do so when the first verification link was sent.

Please see additional API details at


Validate the LoginRadius access token

This API can be used to check whether the LoginRadius access token is valid or not and can be used to validate the token before carrying out any important action that requires it. For more details, please visit


Invalidate the LoginRadius access token

This API can be used to invalidate the LoginRadius access token. For more details, please visit


Invalidate the LoginRadius access token upon SSO logout

Customers can now invalidate the LoginRadius access token upon SSO logout. The API details can be found at