Changes to Simplify the Registration Process
Email verification is no longer mandatory during registration and there are more options now to access user profile.
LoginRadius now supports additional options as part of the user registration flow: email verification can either be disabled completely or be made optional.
- Disabling email verification: Customers can allow users to register and log into the website without having to verify their email address. If this is enabled, LoginRadius will not send an email verification email to the user. This option can be enabled by:
- Setting the following property in registration options on the client side -> raasoption.DisabledEmailVerification = true
- Contact the LoginRadius support team to enable this option from LoginRadius’ side
- Optional email verification : Customers can allow users to register and log into the website without having to verify their email address. At the time of registration, LoginRadius will also send an email to the user so that the user can verify their email address in the future. However, not verifying the email address will not prevent the user from logging into the website. Contact the LoginRadius support team to enable this option.
LoginRadius has also added more options to access the profile for an unverified user:
- Email verification for unverified users: If the user has not yet verified their email address, then the user will be prompted to enter the email address every time he tries to login. This will last as long as he does not verify the email address. This option can be enabled by using the following property -> raasOptions.askEmailAlwaysForUnverified = true
- Accessing profile for unverified users: Customers can use the same LoginRadius User Profile API used to access profile data for verified users to retrieve profile data for unverified users as well.