LoginRadius .NET SDK Release V5.0.0
Nov 2017

This release of our LoginRadius .NET SDK contains important changes that affect development, we’ve moved to .NetStandard to target both NetFramework and NetCore which means there are some breaking changes that will need to be handled. Please see below for our list of enhancements:


  • Additional Error handling to prevent common run-time issues.
  • Project moved to .NetStandard to target both NetFramework and NetCore.
  • Added Additional LoginRadius APIs and Response models
  • Standardization and refactoring of namespaces and methods.

You can get this latest version from our Git repository.

You can also get this latest version via NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/LoginRadiusSDK.NET/5.0.0


Please reach out to support or live-chat for general inquiries and assistance regarding the implementation of the new features and enhancements.