New User Registration SDKs for Java, Android and PhoneGap
Released SDK that includes all User Registration Service APIs and Social Login APIs
We always keep up with ID providers' API changes and update our API and connectors (SDK and Plugins). This section describes all of the updates with our product and company. Any questions, please send us an email.
Released SDK that includes all User Registration Service APIs and Social Login APIs
Integration with Disqus and Livefyre now available
Publishers can now easily optimize and personalize their ads
Advanced user analysis and charts are available for further insight
Released a new easy-to-use iOS SDK for LoginRadius API and it also supports Swift.
Released PHP SDK that includes all User Registration Service APIs and Social Login APIs.
Added new features and APIs for our User Registration Service API.
Released the new version (v4.2.1) of Social Login and Social Sharing Extension for Magento.
Released new additions like Google Analytics Integration, Email Interface updates, etc. to our Social Sharing API
Released the new version (v2.1) of Simplified Social Sharing Extension for Magento.