Announcement - LoginRadius Smart and IoT Authentication to Offer Hassle-Free Login for Input-Constrained Devices

Smart and IoT Authentication from LoginRadius is a realistic solution to ensure customers are securely logged in. It removes the password entry burden and as a result, eliminates data protection threats related to password attacks.

Rakesh Soni
By Rakesh Soni
December 02, 2020
2 min read
Announcement - LoginRadius Smart and IoT Authentication to Offer Hassle-Free Login for Input-Constrained Devices


Consumers are often frustrated with the complex task of entering their passwords through their remote controls or virtual keyboards, while authenticating on apps that they have installed on their smart TVs, game consoles, and other IoT devices.

Consumers would love an experience that is simple, quick, and frictionless - after all, no one wants to put the extra effort while enjoying leisure.

LoginRadius' Smart authentication and authorization in IOT is a practical approach to ensure effortless login for consumers. It eliminates the burden of password entry and, consequently, sheds off data security risks related to password attacks.

Intend Behind the Launch

With LoginRadius' Smart and IoT device authentication, we wanted to offer a vastly convenient authentication method for the consumers of smart and IoT devices. A few other intentions include:

1. Streamlined consumer experience

We do not want consumers to remember or enter credentials on their smart devices anymore. Our QR code and link-based authentication methods make this possible.

2. Enhanced account security

Because login links and QR codes are dynamically generated and sent over email or scanned via authenticated apps, we allow businesses to easily avoid all password-based hacking attempts. And hence we enhance IOT security authentication.

3. Improved adaptive security

We allow businesses to access risk by tracking the failed login attempts. In return, they can take adaptive security measures like disabling login requests for a limited time.

Smart and IoT Authentication: How It Works?

LoginRadius supports two different methods for Smart and IoT Authentication. Here's how they work:

1. QR Code Based Login

Thinking about how to authenticate IOT devices? Well, consumers can authenticate themselves on the app by scanning the QR Code displayed on the smart or IoT device using their mobile app.

Consumers can log in to an app by delegating the authentication to another device via a link on their registered email id. Clicking on the link will automatically authenticate the consumer account on the device that initiated the login.

Since emails are involved in the Link Based Login, LoginRadius also allows businesses to personalize their consumer experience.

1. Email Personalization

LoginRadius offers in-built, multilingual email templates for businesses to add or customize their messages based on their requirements.

2. Email Settings

LoginRadius allows businesses to set the login request limits for consumers and also manage the token expiry by restricting the validity of login links to ensure security.

Loginradius IOT Smart Authentication Datasheet

Implementation and Deployment

LoginRadius provides open-source web and mobile SDKs for utilizing its Smart and IoT Authentication feature. Developers can build off and modify the code based on their specific business requirements.

Similarly, LoginRadius offers different APIs to support exclusive business flow of features and custom use cases.


In an increasingly connected world where we see an explosion of networked devices ranging from medical devices, to home appliances, to recreational electronics, creating a seamless consumer journey is non-negotiable.

Given the fact that authentication is generally the first step for consumers when experiencing a product, the LoginRadius Smart and IoT Authentication is geared to set your consumer up for hassle-free and user-friendly methods to login.


Rakesh Soni

Written by Rakesh Soni

Entrepreneur by Work. Artist by ❤️. Engineer by Trade. Human Being. Feminist. Proud Indian. CEO/Founder at LoginRadius, securing 1B+ IDs worldwide.

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